Come and get your first look at all the new 40k Kill Team releases this week as Games Workshop welcomes Elites to the tabletop!
With all the great Kill Teams out there and the addition of Commanders to the game, the Elites supplement wasn’t a surprise to some. Come and take a look at the New Elites to supplement along with a slew of new Kill Teams from GW.
40k Kill Team: Elites
Killzone: Sector Sanctoris Environment Expansion:
Kill Team: The Dolorous Strain – Death Guard Kill Team:
Kill Team: The Fractal Blades – Thousand Sons Kill Team:
Kill Team: Toofrippa’s Krew – Orks Kill Team:
That’s it for this week’s pre-release roundup, be sure to check back in with us Sunday for the full description and prices of these new products.