New AoS Mercenary Dogs of War & Modular Terrain REVEALED

By Wesley Floyd | May 5th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Terrain, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sorcerer age of sigmar new model bits

New terrain kits and the Dogs of War Mercenary mechanic are coming to Age of Sigmar as GW’s latest new releases were just unveiled over the weekend!

We’ve been hearing rumors about some new terrain coming to AoS but weren’t sure exactly what. Some pics of May’s White Dwarf emerged showing some kind of Sigmar-themed terrain as well. But looking at Warhammer Community, they’ve just given us the full preview on the Dominion of Sigmar.

Make sure you check out all of the rumors leading up to the official preview:

Rumors of Named Terrain Kits



We all know that every AoS faction that’s been updated has no real reason NOT to take their terrain piece. It’s free and gives all sorts of bonuses depending on which faction you’re playing. Either way, it looks like a few new terrain/scenic kits might be on the way to AoS. The names mentioned from an industry insider are:

  • Sigmarite Dais
  • Enduring Stormvault
  • Shattered Temple
  • Fallen Statues

First Wave of Terrain Spotted in White Dwarf

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WD terrain 2

With the mention of the Sigmarite Dais, Enduring Stormvault, Shattered Temple, and Fallen Statues, We’ve got an early look of the kits in the next White Dwarf coming from Jamie the Jasper on Twitter. 

We know now that the Celestant Prime is actually standing on the Domain of Sigmar.

More Terrain Pics Spotted in White Dwarf LATEST

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Looking at a Blogspot post, there’s a laid-out pic showing all of the terrain a bit more spread out from the first pics from above. There are two takeaways from this pic. First, we can actually see all of the terrain bits for what looks to be the fallen statues. Beyond that, take a look at the pillars with torches strewn across the battlefield. (They’re labeled A, B, C, & D).  These are apparently umbral torches that need to be lit in order to interact with the temple in the center of the battlefield. What exactly happens when the torches are lit, we don’t know. But this may give players a tertiary objective in their games! On top of holding objectives across the map, they could be lighting torches to activate a temple.

Dominion of Sigmar Previewed At the Australian Championship

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The Dominion of Sigmar is a new range of super-modular, customisable and interchangeable scenery for Warhammer Age of Sigmar that lets you transform your tabletop into a battlefield worthy of the Mortal Realms’ fiercest conflicts. Think Sector Mechanicus or Sector Imperialis, but aimed at recreating the high fantasy feel of Sigmar’s kingdoms.

So it looks like the pages of the White Dwarf were showing off the Dominion of Sigmar after all. We had no idea it was going to be so modular, however. And did you know that each section is coming with its own set of rules?

domain 1

Each Dominion of Sigmar set can be built as a scenery piece with its own warscroll or can be mixed and matched with other sets to build anything you can imagine.

domain 2

One thing to remember is that the terrain is the biggest we’ve seen yet. You’ll be able to place this on the table and configure it exactly how you need to in order to create choke points and block line of sight from the enemy. Hopefully, we don’t see this pop up in every single table in AoS. While it looks good and useful, things might get somewhat bland if we only see players using this for tactical advantage.

Your units would be asking your General “Sire, why do we keep fighting on this terrain piece! We’ve must’ve come across a hundred by now.”

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We can expect to see this released alongside the Forbidden Power expansion. If you didn’t know, Forbidden Power is the next chapter in the AoS timeline from Soul Wars.

 Mercenaries (aka Dogs of War) Coming To AoS

fyreslayer wal

Hidden in the previews of the new terrain, GW also made the announcement that some mercenaries are coming to AoS.

First up, we’re excited to unveil the all-new mercenaries system. With Forbidden Power, you’ll be able to recruit renowned sell-swords to your cause regardless of Grand Alliance. So, for example, you could have a Chaos army and enlist some of the notoriously ur-gold hungry warriors of the Greyfyrd lodge…

The most exciting thing about this is that the mercenaries won’t be tied down to Allegiance keywords. For example, you can bring a Fyreslayers dude and mix him in with some Beasts of Chaos. (These mercenaries are just in it for the money, just like the Dogs of War back in Warhammer Fantasy Era). With that said, we’re guessing we will start to see more unique characters come to AoS.

So will you be picking up a Dominion of Sigmar terrain set? What kind of character would you like to mix in with the rest of your faction? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.