Save Hobby $$$ 40k Kill Team Elites Box Sets Value Breakdown

40k kill team elites

40k Kill Team Elites is on the way so let’s take a look at the breakdown for the value of everything that comes inside each of the new box sets.

Games Workshop has already announced and revealed a new Kill Zone called the Sector Sanctoris along with three other named Kill Teams. So what comes inside and what’s the total value? We’re glad you asked.

Sector Sanctoris Value Breakdown $80


The Killzone is coming with some spatterings of terrain along with a few cards and other supplements. The kicker here is that while the terrain set may be “new”, it’s all sprues that we’ve seen before.

On the preview, we can see some ruins, a couple of statues, and some other scattered pieces of terrain like a sewer drain and other crumbled remains.

kt terrain 5


kt terrain 6

kt terrain 3


kt terrain 4



kt terrain 1


kt terrain 2

  • Urban Conquest scattered terrain bits (These originally came inside Urban Conquest but are being sold separately on eBay for roughly $20-25 per terrain piece. We think about $45 total is fair for the market worth.

Total Estimated Value: $130-$140

It’s really not a bad deal when you also factor in the Kill Team gaming map and other minor supplements in the set. All in all, it’s definitely worth its price. You’re getting about $50 worth of extra gaming pieces and terrain to throw on your tables.

Named Kill Teams $65 ea.

Kill Team is also getting three new Teams solely themed around an army’s Elite’s selection in 40k. Toofrippa’s Krew, the Fractal Blades, and the Dolorous Strain are all sitting at $60 a piece and come with the same set of scattered terrain found inside Urban Conquest/ Sector Sanctoris which we already covered above. However, these teams also come with a 5-man squad of Elites that also need to be factored into the price.


Toofrippa’s Krew

  • Scattered Terrain $45
  • 5-Man Flash Gitz Squad $53

Total Value: $98


The Fractal Blades

  • Scattered Terrain $45
  • 5-Man Scarab Occult Terminator Squad $60

Total Value: $105


The Dolorous Strain

  • Scattered Terrain $45
  • 5-Man Blightlord Terminator Squad $60

Total Value: $105

Once you factor in the nifty supplements for your named Kill Team, you’re essentially getting the scattered terrain bits for free. The models themselves sit right at $50-$60 and the Box Sets are all only $65 a pop. Not a bad deal if you’re wanting to branch out into a new faction that you don’t have any 40k models for.

What are your thoughts on Kill Team’s next big release? What elites will you be putting into your list? Will you be buying these boxes just for the terrain? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.