10 New 40k Bundles On The Way For Apocalypse!

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Boom goes the Apocalypse dynamite! Don’t miss the latest previews from Games Workshop including 10 new hopefully money saving 40k bundles.

Warhammer Community dropped the mother of all 40k bombs as Apocalypse is bringing the Warhammer heat this summer!

UPDATE: Look for Apocalypse to go up for pre-order next week on June 29th.

Apocalypse Battalions

Looks like 10 new bundles are coming in hot as well for the release of Apocalypse. A cursory look at the new box sets looks to put them in the same class as the Christmas bundles from 2018, at what we hope is a price of around $170.


To help start a new collection or bolster an existing force, we’ve created 10 hand-picked Battalions, each comprising the core of an Apocalypse Detachment and saving you money. These Battalions are only available in limited numbers, so be sure to secure yours early to avoid disappointment.


Apocalypse Battalions Vs Holiday Battleforces:

There was massive savings to be had from the Warhammer Battleforce bundle deals released last December  Take a look at the 2018 Primaris holiday bundle as we compare it to this summer’s version to see if it’s worthy of your hobby dollars.

Space Marine Primarss Interdiction Force $170 Holiday 2018


99120101242_PrimarisInterdictionForce01Primaris Captain $35
Intercessors  $60
Reivers  $60
Interceptors $50
Repulsor $80

Total Value: $285
Total Savings: $115 (based on bundle price of $170 retail)

Compare it to the new Space Marines Battalion Detachment for Apocalypse:

Primaris Captain $35
Intercessors Squads x3  $60 ea ($180 Total)
Redemptor Dreadnought $65

Total Value: $280
Total Savings: $110 (based on an assumed bundle price of $170 retail)

So it appears there are similarities between the holiday battleforces, and the new Apocalypse Detachments as far as values.  The Holiday Primaris Interdiction Force total retail value is only $5 apart from the Apocalypse one.

That could be a strong indicator that the pricing may be similar on all 10 sets for the re-launch of Apocalypse!

What faction will you be playing for Apocalypse? Will the new bundles push you over the edge into a new army? Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.