Top 3 Dreadnoughts That Can Actually Be Competitive

By Wesley Floyd | June 4th, 2019 | Categories: Forge World, Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News



Wondering what Dreadnoughts you should take with you to your next tournament? Check out the top 3 and see if they fit in your list.

Dreadnoughts have always been in an awkward weight class fitting in somewhere between light and heavy armor. This translates into them being very vulnerable to anti-tank firepower and somewhat decent targets against small arms fire as well. Really, the only competitive ones out there are the ones with invulnerable saves or ones with some insane firepower.

1. Leviathan Dreads


Leviathans make the top of our list because they are the MAC DADDY of Dreadnoughts. At T8, 14 wounds, 2+/4++, they aren’t going anywhere too easily. They can take a lot of punishment and deal out all different kinds of damage. Whether you want to go cheap and stick with two S16 siege claws or dakka the thing out with two Storm Cannon Arrays, this guy has a use in your list. ‘

The most popular loadout is two Storm Cannons like we just mentioned, with a heaping dose of screens sitting around him to protect against any chargers. We’ve actually been seeing three of these Dreadnoughts taken at competitive 2k lists and they aren’t too shabby. The real weak points of this thing come from the Relic rule and melee.  Relic means that you can’t have more Relic units than Non-Relics in your detachment. And obviously, if he gets surrounded in melee, he’s just a T8 paperweight. The two heavy flamers are decent protection from chargers but a massive squad of Boyz/Genestealers couldn’t care less about them.

All in all, firing twenty S7 -2AP 2D flat shots on a T8 platform is something that opponents will be forced to deal with. These guys can chip wounds off of a Knight and shred enemy Infantry with ease. But if you’re not too keen on the Storm Cannons, you can also load up on 5 damage-flat Grav Flux Bombards or multi-shot melta guns too.

2. Contemptor Dreads


Contemptors are the next option to go with. But we aren’t talking about the normal Contemptors. We’re talking about the Forge World variant which means that you’ll have to put up with the Relic rule again. However, if you take the Forge World variant, you’ll get a 2+/5++/6+++ save on a 12-wound T7 platform with a whole host of weapons. You can run double assault cannons and use them to clear screens or do what Chaos has been doing lately…

Some Chaos lists have been running a single Contemptor with dual C-Beam cannons to sit back and melt whatever may be down range. C-Beams are one of the weirdest weapons to choose from but essentially, you get an S6+2 shot that can do 2D3 damage and if it killed a model in the unit, the unit suffers 2D6 additional S6 hits at AP 0. Sitting at under 200 pts, this guy isn’t bad but we don’t know if we’d recommend taking three. One with some C-Beams should do you fine.

3. Deredeo Dreads


Last but not least, we have the Deredeo Dreads. These guys are a Relic too so you know what that means… Beyond that, these guys are just a walking dakka-Bot. They’re only T7 with a 3+ save but have a 5++ invuln against shooting and a 4++ in combat. But you really don’t want to ever see these guys in melee.

They can be decked out with autocannons, plasma, or lascannons as their main weapon along with some heavy flamers, heavy bolters, and missiles. –Translation: They can fit the bill for whatever kind of firepower you might need under 200 pts. To make things even better, if you’re going against a bunch of Flyers, this guy can plant his feet and get +1 to his hit rolls against them. (Keep in mind he already hits on a 2+).  Like we’ve said before, if you need a certain kind of firepower for cheap and feel like you might be going up against some Eldar Flyer spam list, the Deredeo will serve you well. 

Runner Up: Primaris Redemptor Dread

redemptor hor wal

The Redemptor didn’t quite make our list in the top three brackets mainly because it’s only got a single 3+ save and has no invulnerable. A couple of well-placed shots from a Devastator squad and they can wipe this walker clean off the table. It’s got loads of dakka that is perfect for GSC, Tyranids, and Orks, but with its fragile frame, we feel like the other options are just better.

It might be no surprise that all of the good Dreads are from Forge World but invulnerable saves are hard to beat. Especially on a unit that’s susceptible to both small arms and anti-tank fire. What do you think about Dreadnoughts in 8th edition? Does your competitive list run any? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.