Chaos Knight Stratagems, Artifacts Rules & More SPOTTED!

chaos knight wal

More Chaos Knight rules are here again! Check out what these Heretical war machines will be getting in terms or Stratagems and Artifacts!

Chaos Knights stratagem support was spotted on the web showcasing an entire page of rules in each category. So without further delay, here’s the latest on the bad guy Knights!

chaos knight codex 1

You can check out the entire table of contents for the codex. the chief take-aways are the Houses which are:

  • Lucaris
  • Herpetrax
  • Khymere
  • Vextrix
  • Khomentis

There are also going to be a total of five Knights getting pages dedicated to them in the book which are:

  • War Dogs
  • Despoilers
  • Tyrants
  • Desecrators
  • Rampagers

Chaos Knight Stratagem Sheet

chaos knight stratagem

  • Ion Aegis  is neat because it turns your Tyrants (Valliant/Castellan) into a 5++ invuln aura beacon. You can protect all your precious Cultists Screens with a decent save all for 2CP.
  • Chaos is getting their hands on the Rotate Ion Shield strat as well. However, it’s only in the shooting phase so get up and punch it to death.
  • Thunderstomp is an awesome name but it translates into a few mortal wounds for 1 CP. Not bad.
  • Skyreaper Protocols is only for War Dogs (Armigers) armed with autocannons and it lets you reroll hits against flying targets.
  • Tyrannical Court is a 1/3CP strat that gives your Knights the Character Keyword and unlocks access for a Warlord Trait for each.

Chaos Knight Relics

knight relic

The Chaos Artifacts have a lot going on. But essentially you’ve got this to choose from:

  • Blasphemous Engine:  Always treat your Infernal Household Knight as having double the wounds in terms of what row of the damage table they’re on.
  • Veil of Meorengard: Infernal Household Knight has a 4+ invuln save. (This can not be pushed to a 3++ with rotating ion shields).
  • Khornate Target: This is a once per battle relic that negates any kind of invulnerable saves on the Knight and its target. (This thing can one-shot Guilliman and keep going).
  • Tzeentchian Pyrothrone: You can turn your Knight into a Psyker that can cast1/deny 1 (or 2 if it has a special Warlord Trait). But it only knows smite and if it dies as a result of a perils from the Warp, it automatically explodes.
  • The DiomonasModel with Laser Destructor Only (so Knight Desecrator). It’s Heavy 3 S16 Ap-4 D6 damage. Plus if you wound your target on a 6, it’s an additional D3 wounds. Not too shabby.

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Overall, Chaos Knights are looking extremely powerful. Especially with the Relic/Stratagem support. We could be seeing Knight lists with Red Corsair Marine-filled Battalions as CP batteries in the near future. What do you think about the latest batch of Knight previews? How will you be gearing your Knights?

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