GW 2019 Price Hike: Some Marine Units Up Almost 50%

Space Marine walpaper

Games Workshop raised their prices again in 2019. Check out the percentage of increase for Space Marines, some up almost 50%.

If you haven’t heard, GW announced that their prices would be increasing on some of their products. Looking at Space Marines first, here’s a deeper look at the percentage increase on their units!

Update: When published, the social media intro and title fields were incorrectly filled out for this post. We have corrected them. 

GW Price Hike: Space Marines Increasing in Cost

space marine terminator wal

Space Marines have had a bad wrap from the start of 8th at costing too many points in-game. But it looks like some of their units are also going up in hobby $$$. Here’s the comprehensive list of everything going up in price for power armor. 

SM price incrase

All prices in USD, For US Market Increases

The new price (left) is matched with the old price (middle). The percentage is the total increase in price from old to new. That being said, these increases are all over the board with the highest increase sitting at 41%. The average increase for Space Marines looks to be about 12.3% across the board. The average cost increase per items is about $5.

For the most part, all of the characters in the Space Marine faction have been untouched (excluding the Dreadknight/Watch Captain) from what we can tell. It’s also important to note that none of the Primaris Marines made the list either. With Primaris being the new Space Marine hotness, GW might have set their prices in advance to prepare for a price increase with other units in the future.

All in all, however, none of the units on the list are largely competitive in 40k’s ITC meta so you might not have to shell out a ton of money if you’re thinking about getting competitive with the Astartes. Perhaps that is the common link as to why they were targeted for an increase?

With the Space Marine’s new prices covered, what do you think about their price hike? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.