GW Rumor Engine: New Space Marine Bits Spotted?

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Another rumor engine is here! After taking a quick look, we might have this one pegged. Or is that exactly what GW wants us to think?

Warhammer Community dropped another rumor engine right on time showcasing what looks to be the camera to a side-sponson of a tank. We’ve seen something very similar to this bit time and time again. But with that said, we could be thinking exactly what GW wants us to think.

GW Rumor Engine: New Sponson Cameras Spotted?

rumor engine 7-16-19

Check this bit out for yourself. It’s got the classic half-box camera design we’ve seen time and time again with just a few extra bells and whistles tacked on.

So there’s definitely some slight differences spotted from the new bit and the sponson camera we all know about. While this might be a sponson camera for a Primaris vehicle, let’s explore the other options on the table.

Looking at the Devastator Squad, the Sergeant has a little array on his back that helps a single model in the squad hit better for a single shot. This rumor engine bit could be the first hint towards Primaris Devastators with more advanced technology- but that’s a stretch.

With what we’ve seen, we also can’t rule out a grimdark Wall-E. It’s not the first time that the Imperium has used robots to do the dirty work of mankind and it definitely won’t be the last!

After exploring some of the options out there, what do you think this bit could be going to? Would you like to see Primaris Devastators or more Primaris vehicles? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!