New Chapter Master Raldoron On Pre-Order From Forge World

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Forge World is giving the Blood Angel’s Legion more support with a new named Chapter Master. He’s just in time to kick some Daemon tail in the Horus Heresy!

Forge World updated their pre-order section on their webstore with this new release. We’ve now got more awesome 30k models to choose from for the Blood Angels. Take a look!

Blood Angels Legion Chapter Master Raldoron $73

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Chapter Master Raldoron was first among the captains of the Blood Angels’ Three Hundred Companies – respected throughout the Legion for his tactical insight, superb martial skills and faultless discipline. As equerry to the primarch, Sanguinius relied on his even temper and keen intelligence more than any of his other captains and aides.

Raldoron is a Chapter Master for the Blood Angels in 30k. With the latest big release unveiling the Daemons of the Ruinstorm, he’s posed lopping off the arm of some kind of denizen from the Warp! Lead your favorite Blood Angels units with this guy and make Sanguinius proud (while he’s alive).

Raldoron & His Retinue $166

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Raldoron’s retinue is a squad of Crimson Paladins that go for $93 by themselves. That being said, you’re not actually saving any money by buying this bundle. However, it does save you a few clicks.

While these guys might only have rules for 30k, their models are stunning. If you play Blood Angels in 40k, you can easily convert Raldoron into a badass smash Captain! Plus, those Paladin squad models have enough detail to be characters themselves!

With Sanguinius and a good dose of the Blood Angels finally out for the Horus Heresy, we should (hopefully) start seeing some Ruinstorm Daemon models in the months ahead. Let us know what you’ll be getting for your Heresy collection in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.