New GW Rumor Engine Spotted: Chief Head-Taker

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A new rumor engine dropped like clockwork and this bit is raising some questions. Check out what could be holding these heads.

Warhammer Community dropped another rumor engine showcasing some severed heads hanging from some meat hooks. The thing about the heads is that they look like they didn’t just belong to anyone. Take a look for yourself.

Another GW Rumor Engine Spotted: Chief Head-Taker

rumor engine 7-9-18

The very first thing we noticed about this pic is that the severed heads are wearing crowns. Whoever is responsible for taking a little off the top of these poor fools is someone of power for sure. To get lucky and kill a single king is one thing. However, rocking two king’s heads on some meat hooks is on a whole new level. Who knows what else could be hanging from a couple of chains on this model.

Either way, because of the crowns, to us, it put off an Age of Sigmar kind of vibe. We really don’t have any dead giveaways on what faction this model will belong to (or even what the model looks like) but our first impression was probably something for Chaos. This is a very Chaos thing to do.

master of executions

We’ve already seen something similar to this in 40k with the Master of Executions model. He;s holding all kinds of heads on his mini and his sole purpose on the tabletop is to hunt characters. That being said, we could be seeing a medieval fantasy version of him around the corner.

What do you think about this rumor engine? Can you think of another faction besides Chaos where they might collect the heads of kings? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!