Save $$$ With New Forge World Apocalypse Bundles!

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Forge World is hopping on the 40k Apocalypse train with some of their own signature bundles as well. Check out their latest offerings you could save on!

Forge World updated its list of pre-orders to have an assortment of resin goodies usable in 40k. Except for this time, they’ve been bundled into detachments! You can order these items now, as they started shipping on July 6, 2019.

40k Apocalypse Leviathan Detachment $300

leviathan det.

This bundle comes with three Leviathans and weapons for each! Unfortunately, you can’t customize what you get (so there are no double Storm Cannons on everybody). But you do get:

  •  3x Leviathan Dreadnought Bodies
  •  2x  Siege Claws
  •  1x  Siege Drill
  •  1x  Storm Cannon
  •  1x  Grav-flux Bombard
  •  1x  Melta Lance

You save $45 total!

40k Apocalypse Nightshroud Detachment $315


This bundle comes with three Nightshroud Bombers for the Necrons. If you want to carpet bomb your games and buy time for your Immortals and Warriors to get back up, this might be a solid unit to cause some havoc.

You save $48 total!

40k Apocalypse Seraptek Construct Detachment $542


If you feel like you’ll be running into a couple of Knights in your Apocalypse games, you can roll these guys out and chase them down. They don’t have the best shooting (which is still devastating). However, they really shine at opening armor like cans of sardines with those massive pincer legs. Here you get:

  •  2x Necron Seraptek Heavy Constructs
  • 1x  Singularity Generators
  •  1x  Synaptic Obliterators & Transdimensional Projectors

With one of each weapon, you’re saving $78 total!

40k Apocalypse Sicaran Detachment $325


Sicarans are a classic tank to roll out in 30k but they’re also extremely fast and brutal for their points in 40k! You’ll be able to bring three in a detachment with your Space Marines and Forge World has a one-click bundle ready for you.

You’re actually saving $44 by buying all three in a bundle rather than three individually as well!

Get ready to pop some flyers that try to get to close with those velocity-tracking autocannons.

40k Apocalypse Grot Tank Detachment $296

grot tank

Grots will be hitting the scene in 40k’s Apocalypse as well. However, this bundle includes a few different units. You’ll get:

  • 2x Grot Tanks (8 Grot Tank miniatures)
  • 1x Grot Mega Tank

By buying this bundle, you’ll be saving $39 from what it would cost to buy everything individually.

Other Apocalypse Accessories

apoc goodies

Among all the detachments, you’ll also be able to order some of Apocalypse’s accessories like the rules set, movement trays, and even a protective case! Be sure to check everything out for yourself!

With all of these detachments previewed, which models will you be picking up? Are you going to bomb units across the board with the Nightshrouds? Or sit back with three Leviathans and unload on elite units and light armor. Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.