The Church of Plasma: Sisters Conversion Corner

The Inquisition and the Sisters of Battle work together a lot to make sure that Chaos does raise its ugly head!

Come see one amazing model brought to us by Dave Sandman on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

Inquisition and the Sisters of Battle

Dave has given such a good description I’ll just let him tell you about it. 

Inquisition and the Sisters of Battle

I finished work and done some nice shots of The Pandemonium, the rolling command chapel of my homebrew Sisters of Battle order, The Sisters of the Astral Grail.

Inquisition and the Sisters of Battle

Its a mashup based on old school W40K art which was a bit madder than the new stuff, and a lot more gothic. It always struck me as odd that of the armed forces the Sisters get a raw deal on the old heavy support. So, combine a Shadowsword with a Sisters style Exorcist back end pipe organ, and add two Stormblade Plasma Blastguns.

Inquisition and the Sisters of Battle

Slather liberally in icon armor plating and a nice gothic plow front end. Now you have a command tank, a focus point on the battlefield, a mobile place of worship, and something that can take out a Knight and give a Titan a square go.

Inquisition and the Sisters of Battle

A bit of fun I will never table, but I love it. The figures are two of Raging Heroes alternative Sisters, the Arch Papess and Sister Spooky Pepi, both modded. Plasma Obliterators from Wargame Exclusive. Other parts care of the big old bitz box.

Inquisition and the Sisters of Battle

“Arch Canoness Selene IV delivers a Sermon of Admonishment to the heretics as Sister Sara blesses the holy keyboard prior to battle. Selene delivers her stern sermon, ending it with the battle cry of the order: “PENITENZIAGITE!”

Inquisition and the Sisters of Battle

“Fire, Fire, Fire!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!