7 Key Points For & Against The Space Marines Impulsor

impulsor wal primaris tank space marines

The Primaris Impulsor is the dedicated transport we’ve been looking forward to. But is it worth its points? Check out 7 key points about this new unit!

Primaris players have been asking for a dedicated transport that didn’t come with 972 guns like the Repulsor. Finally, Games Workshop revealed the Impulsor to be the answer that we’ve been waiting on. However, now that the new APC is here, will it be competitive?

Is the Impulsor What the Primaris Needed?

First off keep in mind it can not haul around Jump or Gravi armor options. So no Aggressors, they have to stick to the Repulsor for now.

impulsor datasheet

First off, this thing doesn’t have nearly the same amount of shot output as the Repulsor coming stock with only two storm bolters. Of course, there is bonus wargear you can load onto these guys if you have the points.

So how much will the unit cost with the different wargear options?

Impulsor Wargear & Cost

primaris impulsor


impulsor 1

Now, this thing is only T7 with 11 wounds and a 3+ save so it’s not the tankiest thing out there. but it’s also going to be costing only 75 pts base. While that’s worth it on stats alone, there is a lot you can do with this thing.

impulsor 2

That being said, you can give it a 4++ invuln for an extra 18 pts to help make sure it gets its payload down the field. A 4++ invuln combined with the Assault Vehicle rule, which lets units inside jump out AFTER the Impulsor moves, will almost guarantee that you get your units where they need to be. If you’re going to be running an Impulsor as a primary transport, it seems like a no-brainer to pay 18 pts to negate 50% of the enemy’s anti-tank firepower.

But if you wanted to take a mortal wounder, you could also always arm it with the Orbital Command Array for 18 pts as well.  This is essentially that 3CP stratagem that seems to never works how you want it to, but multiples of them could be effective turn after turn. However, people will probably opt for the 4++ invuln instead.

impulsor 3

The Bellicatus missile array is a three-firing mode missile weapon that comes in the form of a single S8 shot, D6 S4 shots, or D3 S7 shots. Honestly, the risk is too high for a pay-off on this weapon. It seems a little overcosted for what you’re getting. However, when combined with re-rolls and new marine special rules, it’s effectiveness is greatly increased.

impulsor 4

The Ironhail Skytalon Array, however, might be exactly what people will spend their leftover points on. For only 5 points, you get a 6-shot S4 -1AP bolter that gets +1 to hit and wound against flyers. It’s not too expensive and might be perfect for finishing off that one unit without having to dedicate another Devastator squad into it.

Again, when combined with re-rolls and new marine special rules, it’s effectiveness is greatly increased. At 5 points this seems to synergize well with Chapter Tactics & Doctrines.

The Impulsor Is Looking Really Good

impulsor wal primaris tank space marines

Looking at the points costs:

  • Impulsor (barebones): 79 pts (it has to take two storm bolters mandatorily which are 2 pts a pop).
  • Impulsor Shield Dome: 97+ pts (the cheapest this unit will be is 97 with the shield but you can opt for extra dakka like 1-2 fragstorm grenade launchers at 4pts ea.)
  • Impulsor Orbital Command Array:  97+ pts
  • Impulsor Bellicatus Missile Array: 84+ pts

The moral of the story here is that you can drop anywhere between 77-100 pts for each Impulsor depending on what you want to bring. It’ll be a bit more expensive than a Rhino, but with its wargear options and speed, it’s probably a fair cost. What do you think about the Impulsor after looking at its points?

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