Boom goes the Space Marine dynamite again! Don’t miss all the new Codex and Special Character updates that were just revealed!
Warhammer Community just updated the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Deathwatch, Space Wolves, and even Chaos Space Marines!
What They Get Now:
The Loyalist forces named above get updated And They Shall Know No Fear, Bolter Discipline, and Shock Assault rules as shown here:
All but Chaos and Deathwatch get access to the following units with the appropriate [CHAPTER] Keywords:
Replace the keyword in every instance on the datasheets for the units listed above with Blood Angels (or the keyword of a Blood Angels Successor Chapter, e.g. Flesh Tearers)
• Captain in Phobos Armour
• Librarian in Phobos Armour
• Lieutenants in Phobos Armour
• Eliminator Squad
• Impulsor
• Incursor Squad
• Infiltrator Squad
• Invictor Tactical Warsuit
• Repulsor Executioner
• Suppressor Squad
They also get access to that chapter’s special psychic disciplines ,where applicable. Deathwatch only gains access to the Repulsor Executioner, however.
Special Characters:
The following special characters (and crusader squads) now have legal datasheets between supplement book releases with their points costs for matched play as well:
Last but not least all the Astartes forces from above, got Errata for their rules to bring them into compliance with the main Codex Space Marines now. The best part is Forge World’s Imperial Armor books have been updated as well to get, among other things, the Angels of Death special rule:
Chaos Space Marine Updates:
True to their word, Games Workshop gave Chaos their version of Shock Assault as well called Hateful Assault!
Wow, that is a lot of information! Lots more seems to be on the way for the Era Indominus as GW seems to have something BIG planned for later on this year as well:
Believe it or not, this is just the start of things to come. In addition to more codex supplements, there’s a little thing called Psychic Awakening on its way. We can’t say much more about it for the moment, but things are definitely about to heat up in the Era Indomitus…
Are these the updates you were looking for ahead of the big Space Marine reboot?
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