How to Paint Low Detail Models Fast

By Barclay Montgomery | August 1st, 2019 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Videos

How to Paint Low Detail Models Fast

Next Level Painting is bringing you some more painting tips on how to paint models that have no detail and honoring the 2 year anniversary of Graveyard Shift!

Honoring the 2 year anniversary of the release of Graveyard Shift, Next Level Painting is bringing you a new tutorial.  We’ve got some custom made Hero Forge models to showcase our painting skills.

How to Paint Low Detail Models Fast

Models without detail can be tricky to paint so weathering effects and highlights do the trick.

Our color scheme for our model is channeling Miami Vice. The main character from Graveyard Shift, Alex Menkaure, wears Miami Vice stylized clothing and this is the basis for our low detail painting. Secret Weapon Weathered Wood is our first color up.

How to Paint Low Detail Models Fast

This color acts as a base for our clean white Miami suit. An off-white color is a good foundation for our future highlights of white. Using an off white first and then adding subtle actual white highlights is the best way to paint white on miniatures.

How to Paint Low Detail Models Fast

Secret Weapon Verdigris Pale Green is our paint for Alex Menkaure’s shirt. Several thin coats and light brush pressure will get your green looking great. When painting over white, it may take a few more coats, so be patient. Next up, is painting the skin tones for Alex Menkaure.

How to Paint Low Detail Models Fast

Pro Acryl Mahogany is the base tone for Alex’s skin. Painting over the white base coat of his Miami Vice suit can be a little tricky. Multiple coats of each color may be needed to get our paint scheme flowing. Heavy Sienna from Game Color is our next highlight for the skin. This will build up more intricate skin tones and glazing details. Introduce some Burnt Sienna to get some more definition and highlighting.

How to Paint Low Detail Models Fast

The key to getting more detail is to add lots of highlights. With dark skin tones, use off white colors and light browns to add definition. When painting faces, you can add a brow ridge and age lines to add more detail. And there you have it!

Painting detail on models that have no detail can be secretly easy with Next Level Painting.