More New Space Marine 40k Rules: Latest Reveals

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Things are starting to look better and better for the new Space Marines. Don’t miss the latest on all the new rules reveals and more from GW!

Coming from Warhammer Community, Crimson Fists, Black Templars, Imperial Fists, Salamanders, Iron Hands, Ultramarines, White Scars, and Raven Guard are all getting a rules buff to their Chapter Tactics. But beyond that, we’ll also be able to make our own custom Chapters with unique Chapter Tactics as well! Take a look at everything for yourself.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the previews, thus far including the new custom chapter rules!

New Primaris Space Marines Prices & Lineup

GW opened up the floodgates for new Space Marines over the weekend. Check out the new release lineup and pricing for all those new Primaris! Read More


Numbers Game

8 chapters will have rules in the new Marine Codex, and 6 of them will have supplements. However, today’s post included chapters we know will have their own book soon. It is unclear at this time if they will feature their overall rules in the SM dex, and then expanded rules in the supplements.

Dorn Has All The Fun

new codex supplements Space marine

Black Templars and Crimson Fists are confirmed in the Space Marine codex with rules.

That’s right, Pedro Kantor’s famously stoic Chapter now joins their fellow Imperial Fists successors, the Black Templars, as one of the eight featured Chapters in the book, complete with their own tactics…

Pray To The Emperor

new Space marine primaris

Chaplains are rumored to be getting “prayers” just like Chaos’ Dark Apostles. Plus Librarians from Ultras and White Scars are getting two new Psychic Disciplines as well-

Indomitus discipline (Ultramarines) and Stormspeaking discipline (White Scars).

Stalker Bolt Rifle Gets Buffed

stalker bolt rifle

Before we jump into the tactics, the Stalker Bold Rifle got a nifty bonus at 2 damage a pop now. Intercessors now have the option of toting around (basically) an autocannon.

Chapter Tactics Affect All Space Marine Units

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However, a crucial change to all Chapter Tactics in the codex is that they now apply not merely to Infantry, Bikers, and Dreadnoughts, but to ALL UNITS in a Space Marines Detachment!

We’ve been begging for it for over a year and GW has finally done it! Now, Chapter tactics apply to EVERY Space Marine keyworded unit in your army.

Crimson Fists

crimson fist CT 2019

Keeping the fluff, Crimson Fists fight better against hordes. But they also got a nice unmodified hit roll of a 6+ counts as an additional hit bonus! It’s like Death to the false everything for Marines!

Imperial Fists

imperial fists CT 2019

Looking at the Imperial Fists, they still ignore cover and bolt weapons proc an extra hit on a roll of a 6+. If you combine this with the Bolter Drill strat, 6’s explode for two potential hits a pop.

Black Templars

black templar CT 2019

Black Templars just got A LOT more brutal. They still have their reroll failed charges portion of the tactic. However, they now have an army-wide 5+++ FNP vs. mortal wounds.


ultramarine CT 2019

Ultramarines are staying the same, still getting the bonus leadership and ability to fall back and shoot. Nothing super special here except any vehicle that ignores penalties to moving and firing can now fall back and shoot “normal” from combat.

White Scars

white scars CT 2019

White Scars lists should be geared with Bikes and all of the melee weapons to get the biggest benefit. They can fall back/advance and still charge. Plus, Biker models ignore Heavy and Assault penalties on their weapons. We might be seeing Biker Outrider detachments of White Scars accompanied by a few Thunder Hammer Assault squads in Vanguard detachments acting like a fast one-two punch combo.

Raven Guard

raven guard ct 2019

Now, the -1 to hit roll will be a bit gamier. Units 12″ away will just count as being in cover (which Imperial Fists don’t care about). If the unit isn’t a Vehicle and they’re standing in a terrain feature, THEN the -1 to hit rule procs.


salamanders CT 2019

These guys can now reroll a free hit and wound roll for each unit. But they’re also a bit tougher than the other Marines ignoring -1 AP weapons. (Treating them as AP- 0). That’s not too bad considering all of the Autocannons, Assault Cannons, Heavy Bolter spam lists out there.

Iron Hands

iron hands CT 2019

The Iron Hands still have their 6+++ FNP. But now overwatch on a 5+ and any units with a degrading damage table now count their stats as double the number of wounds remaining. That means your Leviathan Dreads should always be hitting on a 2+ right up until they’re about to bite the dust.

Keep in mind there is the new shock assault rule that all marines get (even the bad ones) that makes them better in combat too!

Loyalist marines, however, will now get Shock Assualt, And They Shall Know No Fear and Bolter Discipline as one blanket ability called Angels of Death.

Between all of these new Chapter Tactic buffs accompanied with the innate +1 attack on the charge, Space Marines as a whole just got A LOT better. But that’s not all, we can also create our own Chapter rules.

Creating Your Own Space Marine Chapter

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This is the bit where you get to shape the future of the 41st Millennium by creating your own Space Marine successor Chapter! To do so, you need to choose a name, Chapter icon and colour scheme. Unless you’d prefer the knowledge of their genetic heritage to remain unknown (a fate shared by the Blood Ravens), you should also choose a First Founding Chapter to be your successor’s parent Chapter.

Once you’ve got all the background fluff covered, you’ll be able to create your own Chapter Tactics covered in a list inside of the Space Marine Codex. You’ll have 19 different listed options to pick and choose rules from for your Chapter.

Chapter Tactic Options Previewed

Chapter custom 1

Essentially, this lets you have your Marines painted in any way you want while still letting them operate off of one of the main Chapters of the Imperium’s force.

chapter custom 2

Similar to the Salamanders, you basically get a free reroll to hit and wound in every phase of the game with shooting/melee.

Chapter custom 3

As for a Stealthy Chapter Tactic, your units that are more than 12″ away from the enemy count as being in cover. It’s not that great but it’s something. Just hope you don’t go against any Imperial Fists.

chapter custom 4

Bolter Fusilades and Long-Range Marksmen favor bolter-heavy Marine lists with free rerolls of 1 coming alongside a bonus 3″ range. Combo this with the Bolter Discipline rules and you’ll be able to sling some S4 firepower.

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Preferred Enemy gives you a bonus on whatever you pick as an enemy Faction Keyword. (Note that you can’t choose Adeptus Astartes, Astra Militarum, etc.). But you get a nice reroll all failed hit rolls bonus in combat if you charge or heroic intervene into something of the chosen enemy keyword. That’s like having a free Chapter Master reroll aura proc whenever you touch something you really don’t like.

And as for Indomitable, this is really only useful if you plan on running big blobs of Marines. We can definitely see this being useful if you’re running Death Company swarms or even maxed-out Hellblaster squads.

Astartes Design Download Sheet

astartes download

While we wait for all of the Astartes support to get here, Warhammer Community also gave us a downloadable PDF sheet for designing our Chapters. You’ll be able to experiment with color schemes, practice heraldry, etc. while you hold on for the new book to get into your hands.

With new units, rules, and more on the way for the Loyalists, which units/Chapter Tactics are looking the most competitive to you? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.