New Dark Angels Contemptor & Terminator Praetor: Now Available

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Forge World’s last batch of pre-orders is finally available! Take a look at the two new models that are now available for the Dark Angels!

Forge World has been hard at work on Legion models for 30k. And with their last batch of pre-orders finally available for purchase, check out what is here for the Dark Angel’s arsenal

Dark Angels Legion Contemptor $59

DA Contemptor

The Contemptor Dreadnoughts of the Legiones Astartes enabled the mortally injured warriors interred within them to continue to serve their Legions during the Great Crusade, and many fought at the forefront of some of the bloodiest and fiercest battles of the Horus Heresy. A large number were destroyed during those dark times, but some survived and are still in service in the Space Marine Chapters and Chaos Space Marine warbands of the 41st Millennium. This Contemptor Dreadnought bears the knightly heraldry and iconography of the Dark Angels.

This model is the barebones chassis for any Contemptor that a Legion can take. The only difference is that it’s loaded up with Dark Angels iconography. Note that this pre-order doesn’t come with any weapons so you’ll need to grab a combination of two when you get this guy. Also, remember to future-proof your models and magnetize those arms!

Dark Angels Terminator Praetor $41

da praetor

Praetors were amongst the greatest commanders of their Legions, seasoned by years of war and masters of both front-line combat and tactical command. This kit includes everything you need to build one such Praetor to lead your Dark Angels, with enough ornate detail and beautiful embellishments to make it stand out on the tabletop. Plus, you’ll be able to customise your Praetor with your choice of either a helmeted or bare head.

In the same vein as the Contemptor, this Praetor is decked-out with 1st Legion iconography. Praetors are one of the cheaper backbone HQ options for any 30k list. Even if you don’t use them in every game, it’s a good idea just to have one ready!

While these models might be geared towards the Horus Heresy, there’s nothing that says you can’t use the Praetor as a Captain! Plus, Contemptors are totally viable in 40k. Why not show off your 1st Legion pride and rock this Contemptor on the tabletops! What will you be getting for your collection? How many points of Dark Angels do you have? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!