New GW Rumor Engine: Topknots Gone Crazy

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Another rumor engine is here from Games Workshop and it looks like we might have this one pegged. The only question is…what is it attached to?

Warhammer Community dropped another rumor engine previewing a bit for a model that’ll be coming down the pipe. Check out the details on this bit and let us know what you think it’ll be going to.

New GW Rumor Engine: Topknots Gone Crazy

rumor engine 8-27-19

Looking at the rumor engine, it looks like someone is rocking a serious ponytail. Whether it’s goldilocks in AoS or some kind of majestic Custode with his helmet off, one thing is for (probably) sure. This is definitely hair wrapped up with some leather/cloth bindings.

As far as what model this could be going to, we know that the Daughters of Khaine have the craziest hair in all of the AoS factions. But they’ve already had their release and it’s more like them to leave their mane free-flowing. As for AoS, there aren’t any real factions that have crazy hair. Most people either have helmets, are bald or are a giant bug.

Fulgrim Is Daemon Primarch Fulgrim Next For 40k?

With rumors of Fulgrim floating around, we also can’t for sure say that this bit couldn’t belong to him. Fulgrim likes everything in excess and big hair might just be one of those things we could see on his model.

Overall, with the latest rumor engine revealed, what do you think this will be going to? Could it be a part of some kind of new faction? Would Fulgrim rock a ponytail if he ever came back t0 the grimdark setting? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!