Pricing Roadmap For Fall’s New Space Marines Releases

By Rob Baer | August 27th, 2019 | Categories: Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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They are still out there… Don’t miss our thoughts on the pricing for all the new Space Marine Primaris models that are on the way still!

Warhammer Community revealed we’ve got even more Primaris Marines headed our way with some new-old characters, wargear, and some squads from the Shadowspear Box Set.

But how much will all cost? Judging by the first weeks of pricing we should be able to get a pretty good idea now. Check out our thoughts on the rest of the upcoming models and more!

Iron Hands (and other chapters?) Upgrade Kits: $25 ea

iron hand upgrade sprue

Looking at some of the IH models above their left shoulder plate all have clearly defined and raised edges of the Iron Hands Chapter insignia as well. It might be safe to say that, like the White Scars, most of the new codex supplement chapters will also getting an Upgrade sprue in the future.

White Scars upgrade set primaris

Also, bear in mind too that it is possible we will see the existing Fists sprue re-released as well because that only came in the holiday battleforce so far.

imperial fists upgrae sprue primaris

Primaris Impulsor $75?

primaris impulsor

The Imperium took a Rhino chassis and rolled it through the ol’ grav-tech factory bringing us the Impulsor. The Impulsor is running a handful of the same weapons spotted on the Invictor Warsuit. However, it’s also got some side-sponsons Bolters for some added dakka. The best part about this model is that this is the first Primaris Dedicated Transport.

Comparing it to the Ad Mech Skorpius, the last “hover” transport to come out for the Imperium, and the repulsor at $85, $75 seems to be the high range for this model. It may clock in at $65 seeing as how it is not a dual kit.  Only time will tell for sure here!

Primaris Reiver Lieutenant $35?

Spotted on the Primaris Lieutenant Twitter account, a new character-looking Reiver Lieutenant was unblurred. This model comes from the video we saw a while back showcasing a whole slew of blurred-out Primaris models.



primaris lieutenant

With multiple previews on this character, it looks like a Reiver Lieutenant is on the way! Now, you’ll be able to keep phobos-themed army strong with another Lieutenant model.

$35 seems to be the new standard for non-named characters.

Eliminator Squads $50?

eliminator squad 2

Moving into the stuff first spotted out of Shadowspear, Eliminators are getting a kit of their own with a few new sculpts. Plus, the Las-Fusils spotted in the Apocalypse datasheet are going to be a 40k weapon option as well.

The only thing we have to compare these to are Centurions and Inceptors, both of which are $50 or higher and have multiple options just like these models.

Infiltrator Squads $60 For 10, $35 For 5??

primaris infiltrator

In the same vein, Infiltrator squads are getting their own kit as well. These guys are making a name for themselves in 8th edition’s meta and now, the Infiltrators might be getting more sculpts (and maybe more weapon options).

This kit also makes another version of models as well now. So it’s possible that their path to market may be a 5 man box at first for $35-40, and then later on a 10 pack may become available for $60-70. Or vice versa. It’s hard to say with any certainty what path to market these will take, but they are staples that many lists will be running now.

Iron Father: $35-$40?

Sure we know Tiggy and Khan are $40 now, and the other non-special character primaris characters are $35, that sets an important pricing standard of the previous $35/$25 not too long ago…

new iron hands primaris space marine spotted

We think it’s safe to say the wait was worth it! This named Iron Father will be hitting shelves (and your opponents) later this year…

Rather unexpectedly, the Iron Hands got a named Primaris character coming to their faction. This took us by surprise for the fact that GW decided to show love to a very minor chapter in 40k. Makes a strong case for Iron Hands getting their own book in the latest preview.

Depending on whether this is a named character or not, will prob mean at least a $5 difference in price per Tiggy and company above.

So where does that leave us for the rest of the Space Marine releases that are also on the way?

Product Mix Up Reveals New Codex?

A little label snafu may have just accidentally confirmed one of the 4 yet to be released codex supplements as well. This image was spotted on Reddit, and judging by the shadowing on the dice themselves it most likely is not doctored:

salamander mislabeled white scars dice

Guess we can safely check off the SALAMANDERS box for a new supplement now.

7 New Space Marine Codex Books!

So we know the new main SM codex is $40 and the supplements are $30 each. However, three weeks in, which ones are on the way, what new models will be releases seems to be the big question on most folks minds now.


To suggest that an Imperial Fist and a White Scar fight, in the same way, is nearly heresy – and the new codex and codex supplements really lean into the distinct identities of each Chapter to ensure they work on the tabletop the way they do in the lore. Codex: Space Marines has everything you need to play with an army of gene-enhanced super-soldiers, and each of the supplements offers you additional, Chapter-specific datasheets and thematic rules that emphasize their unique heritage and the genetic legacy of their Primarch.

So it goes without saying that the rumors about a new Ultramarines and White Scars codex book were true, so that leaves 4 more chapters to get named on those ++redacted supplement++ spines.

The usual suspects could be:

  • Raven Guard (Rumored Next)
  • Iron Hands (Rumored Next)
  • Imperial Fists (mentioned above in GW’s preview)- This could, in fact, be a “Fist Soup” book of all the Dorn Chapter rules.
  • Salamanders (Confirmed per above?)

Remember that the Crimson Fists just got updated earlier in the year via the first Index Astartes White Dwarf Article.

What are your thoughts on all the new Space Marine support on the way? Which supplements do you think we’ll see?

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