Purge With Flame: Space Marine Aggressors LORE

Aggressors Lore Space Marines Wal

Come and learn more about the Marines sent in to open up opportunities on the front line as we take a look at the Aggressor Squad!

These Marines are front line soldiers sent in, to purge the enemy with flame. Let’s take a look at their tactics.

Via: Lexicanum

Space Marine Aggressor

Primaris Aggressors are clad in durable Gravis Pattern Power Armour which despite its appearance keeps them quite mobile unlike their more heavily armored Centurion cousins. They are quite mobile and able to negotiate rough terrain, making them versatile troops. Often employed in specific circumstances or on certain terrain, Aggressor Squads are used as reserves to plug breaches in gun lines or to spearhead an advance. The range of their weaponry is not too long, but when they get close enough to open fire, the result is a sweeping fusillade of large-calibre bolter shells that can shatter enemy charges.

Space Marine Aggressor

Aggressors wield either twin Flame Gauntlets, that billow forth burning promethium or Boltstorm Gauntletsthat barrage the enemy with Bolter shells. Some are also equipped with shoulder-mounted Fragstorm Grenade Launchers.Since being introduced during the Ultima Founding and Roboute Guilliman’s reworking of the Codex Astartes, the Aggressor Squads have proven themselves as a devastating force many times over. Chapter’s that have embraced the Aggressors include the Iron HandsSalamanders, and Black Templars.


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