40k Psychic Awakening: Rumors, Rules, & New Models LATEST

space marines warhammer 40k psychic awakening

Sisters and Eldar oh my! Don’t miss the latest new models and rules for the 40k the Psychic Awakening campaign series that is on the horizon!

Coming from Warhammer Community, the first piece of content for Psychic Awakening is called Phoenix Rising. They gave us a few details on what we could expect. However, we definitely need to stay tuned and keep our eyes peeled for what drops next.

If you missed the first wave of rumors on Phoenix Rising, be sure to check them out for yourself to get caught up.

Previous Rumors For Psychic Awakening

Eldar Psyker

Here’s a summary of the latest rumors out of the Nova Open from various Industry Insiders. Remember these are only rumors until proven otherwise…

  • Psychic Awakening will last about a year and be the next big supplement release for GW now that the codex books are done.
  • There will be a rulebook update at some point for 8th Edition collecting up the last 2 years of tweaks to the game
  • The first book in the Psychic Awakening Line will be titled Phoenix Rising and if the clues above were not enough, it revolves around the Aeldari (Eldar) and new minis for them. (CONFIRMED)

phoenix rising

Psychic Awakening: Phoenix Rising

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Live Map of  40k’s universe showing Aeldari insignia

Phoenix Rising is the first “chapter” of Psychic Awakening we’ll be heading in to. And in relation to a new page being made specifically for Psychic Awakening, this map of space will be updated as a real-look into the grimdark universe as events unfold:

This new page centres around a living map of the Warhammer 40,000 galaxy in the wake of the Great Rift. As the series progresses, new key war zones be highlighted as the implications of the Psychic Awakening spread. It will also serve as your hub for all of the latest Psychic Awakening news, with weekly updates in the form of articles, teasers, videos, new models fiction and more… In fact, you might not have long to wait until the first update. – It’s on Monday… we’re rubbish at keeping secrets.

psychic awakening NEW

We saw this chart of factions get updated recently now showing Admech, Sisters, and Space Wolves. Just as GW said before, each faction will have some kind of stake to hold in this new event. Keep in mind, it doesn’t specifically say that every faction is getting a Psyker. Rather, they’ll have something to do with what’s going on.

Latest Rumors For Psychic Awakening

Games Workshop left a little clue on their page as to what the next update may be for the series. It looks like the Sisters of Battle are next.

This icon image is noticeable on the new Psychic Awakening site.

sisters of battle psychic awakening

Adeptus Sororitas, The Sisters of Battle

Plus as they have said an update will be coming on Monday, it is entirely possible that we’ll see the expansion up for pre-order soon. Remember those “Key Release Date Rumors” we saw awhile back? One of them is right around the corner. That bodes well for Eldar players that are stoked for new rules and hopefully more Plastic aspect Warrior offerings to update the line as well!

Essentially, there were a few dates that Industry Insiders said key releases might be taking place. Those are:

  • August 31st: (Confirmed Aeronautica Imperialis pre-order wave and more)
  • September 21st: We don’t know what’s in store for this date, however, it’s worth noting that this is around the time that GW drops their big FAQ for 40k
  • November 9th:  ???

Aeldari Are in a Tight Spot

psychic awakening aeldari

As a little lore teaser, the Eldar are seemingly in a pretty rough spot. Whatever is going on around this psychic awakening, Slaanesh and Ynead are most definitely involved. Slaanesh might have come to her point of power in the prophecy where she is to be killed. Of course, it all won’t come without a brutal struggle. We’ll have to keep checking back on this as we move further into the lore advancement!

Howling Banshee Exarch Model

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Helmeted Howling Banshee Exarch

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Helmetless Howling Banshee Exarch

This new Howling Banshee Exarch is coming in plastic and is getting two kit options. You can go with a Craftworld look, showcasing the classic mask, or a Ynnari-focused appearance with their bare face showing. These models are also coming with interchangeable rules that can help them in-game depending on what they’re going against!

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you can swap out your Exarch’s War Shout ability with one of six different Exarch Powers that are exclusive to the Howling Banshee shrine. For example, if you’re expecting to face some elite infantry such Terminators or Custodian Guards, try taking Piercing Strike, which will enable you to forsake one of your 3 Attacks for hugely empowered killing blows.

You can turn a relatively cheap Aeldari model into a combat specialist designed to kill off more-elite units by making his swings get +3 Strength and do 3 flat damage each. That’s enough to kill a Custode outright.

But wait, there’s more!

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If you don’t want to swap out your War Shout ability (Opponents must subtract 1 from hit rolls in the fight phase against a unit with a Howling Banshee Exarch), you can just drop a CP on your Banshee Exarch to have him (or her) keep the rule as well as picking up another. Unfortunately, only one of your Exarchs will get to have this as it’s a once per game ability.

New eldar howling banshees plastic

Finally, we first saw this regular Howling Banshee previewed during NOVA. It seems like Banshees are getting the plastic treatment across the board (which was much needed).

While we still have yet to see any real specific details on the first chapter of Psychic Awakening quite yet, at least we know where to turn to! What do you think will be involved with Phoenix Rising? Could Eldrad and Yvraine have unlocked new potential in their psychic abilities?

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