40k’s Next Two Primaris Characters Could Be…

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GW has been going through each Chapter and bringing their named character heroes up to speed by having them cross the Rubicon Primaris. So who’s next?

You might have already heard about the coming Space Marine support beyond Ultramarines and White Scars.With Kayvaan Shrike being revealed as the new Primaris Chapter Master for the Raven Guard, and Iron Hands are getting an Iron Father Malkaan Feirros, it’s pretty much a lock that Salamanders and the rumored “fists” will probably get new Primaris Characters as well.

With those two under our belts, there are a few more Chapters that are raising questions:

Who’s in Line to Cross the Rubicon Primaris Next?

The usual suspects could be:

  • Raven Guard (Basically Confirmed)
  • Iron Hands (Rumored- they’re getting an Iron Father Primaris model).
  • Imperial Fists (mentioned in GW’s earlier preview)- This could, in fact, be a “Fist Soup” book of all the Dorn Chapter rules).
  • Salamanders (confirmed after dice mix-up?)


Out of this list, we’ve seen characters for both Iron Hands and Raven Guard, so could Lysander and Vulkan be the next models to hit the Primaris scene? That could be a whole new can of worms for the Primaris arsenal.

Primaris Lysander


If Lysander crosses the Rubicon Primaris, then he would be the first Primaris Marine we would see with terminator armor, a storm shield, and thunder hammer. He would be breaking three new records all by himself.

The case could be made that he might just be put in Gravis armor. However, Gravis still has a 3+ regular save so we may be seeing an all-new suit of ceramite revolving around this guy. On top of that, he would be the first Primaris character focused more on melee even more than Marneus. Lysander has forfeits his shooting for having a giant hammer and shield that gives a 3++ invuln. Lysander could pave the way for more melee-centric Primaris models in the future, assuming he does make the switch to Primaris.

Primaris Vulkan He’stan

vulkan hestan salamander

In the same vein, if Vulkan makes the switch to Primaris, he would be the first Primaris model we’d see with a heavy flamer profile. On top of that, he’d probably have a bigger (and better) spear. As far as armor goes, he’s in normal power armor right now but does have a 2+ save. We could be seeing a new kind of Primaris-tech revolve around this guy as well, giving him a 2+ save without sacrificing movement like terminator armor. However, he could also just end up being in an Intercessor’s suit with a fancy scaled cloak draped over him.

While nothing has been confirmed on either of these characters making the switch to Primaris, it’s definitely something to think about.

Would you like to see these characters make the switch to Primaris? Do you think Lysander would be in a bigger suit of terminator armor? Or would he be completely redesigned? Do you think Vulkan would let Cawl touch his trusty spear for improvements?

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