Death Company Armiger & Friends: Adepticon Army Showcase

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Blood Angels gained a new unit in their Death Company’s arsenal. Check out this awesome list spotted at 2019’s Adepticon.

2019’s Adepticon brought in players from all around the globe to roll dice. With so many hobbyists under one roof. we saw some amazing takes on factions. Check out this Blood Angels list!

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We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If this is your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us:

Death Company Armiger & Friends: Adepticon Army Showcase

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Blood Angels are the reigning champs at melee combat as far as Space Marines go, and in this list, it looks like they picked up a Death Company Armiger. While you can’t give Armigers the black rage, it’s a pretty awesome paint job.

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For the first wave of assault, this Chaplain led his Death Company into certain death supported by indirect fire from a couple of Whirlwinds.

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Looking at the Whirlwinds, they’ve got an awesome eye-popping red with a minor smoky effect over the exhaust ports. It’s a subtle detail but really adds a whole layer of detail to the model.

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Finally, for the models that you never want to see die, Sanguinary Guard came in behind the Death Company as the second hammer to clean up any remnants of what was left. These guys would make Sanguinius proud. Combined with their Stratagem and character support, Sang Gang can be a real roadblock for some lists out there.

Another awesome hobby detail that doesn’t go unnoticed is that all of the bases match the display board! Awesome job!

What do you think about this Blood Angels list? Do you take a Battalion of Scouts when you play? Or do you prefer the newer Primaris Infiltrators? What weapons do you give your Death Company? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!