How To Paint Iron Hands Black: New Recipe

how to paint iron hands blackJack of Clubs Painting is bringing you guys a new tutorial on painting Iron Hands Space Marines. Get ready to learn how to paint like a pro!

Iron Hands are really hot right now, so it makes sense to paint up some Iron Hands Space Marines. The Iron Hands are blessed with a brand new supplemental Codex and they will be slinging some heat! Going for a more unique look, this Iron Hand is painted using an interesting mix.

Iron Hands

Pro Acryl Dark Neutral Grey and Mahogany in a 50/50 mix act as a base for a layered brown-grey transition. At a high angle, an airbrush allows you to highlight the raised portions while leaving a shadow effect in the dark recesses. Your intent is to layer up the brown and grey on top of the black paint to achieve a beetle carapace-like color.

Iron Hands

Pro Acryl Dark Warm Grey is a great secondary highlight to bring out the details of this model. The Dark Warm Grey is an edge highlight to the brown-grey and a base paint layer for details. Pro Acryl Bright Warm Grey is a good accent for your existing highlights.  Iron Hands

The mixture of the Pro Acryl Greys gives us an off white opaque color on an Iron Hands model. Pro Acryl Dark Silver acts as a base for all of the metallic and gunmetal areas. Scale 75 Necro Gold highlights the cybernetic and gunmetal areas to perfection. Use Pro Acryl Dark Camo Green to start painting up his view screen. Add highlights of Bright Yellow Green to complete it.

Iron Hands

Use a Mr. Hobby Weathering wash on our model and this Iron Hand is ready for battle on the tabletop!

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