Iron Hands Codex Rules, Stratagems & More REVEALED

iron hands wal hor text

Even more new rules are here as Iron Hands got their first batch of previews. Their love for machinery only made them more competitive. Check this out!

Warhammer Community dropped a preview on the Iron Hands codex. Looking deeper into their new rules and stratagems, we’ll be able to have a better idea on how the faction will compare in the current meta.

Iron Hands Leviathans Are Now the Best Leviathans

calculated fury

Calculated Fury lets anyone rolling with a Heavy Weapon while the Devastator Doctrine is active ignore any penalty for moving and firing AND reroll 1’s. That means Devastators and Hellblasters just became A LOT more mobile. But the real shining star here is the storm cannon Leviathan. On top of counting it’s wound profile as double for degrading AND a 6+++ FNP, they now ignore heavy. That means that those 24″ storm cannons just got a +8″ threat range at no penalty.

Iron Hands Characters: Consolidation Masters

Iron Hands student of history

For a look into their Warlord Traits, Student of History lets your Warlord weave in and out of combat like nobody’s business. They can have a 6″ consolidation and don’t have to move to the closest enemy model. They can get a full 6″ move backward if they see something scary approach. Iron Hands really learned a thing or two after watching Ferrus get his top knot lopped off.

This is just one Warlord Trait out of six unique ones coming inside their new supplement.

iron hands

Iron Hands Psychic Discipline: Technomancy

iron hands psychic blessings of the machine god

A Psyker can improve the hit roll (combat or shooting) by 1 for any friendly vehicle within 12″. This power goes off on a 5 but if you want to beef up the chunguses, you’ll need a roll of an 8+.

Ironstone Relic Makes Vehicles Even Tougher

iron hands relic iron stone

The Ironstone is a perfect relic for a Techmarine to carry. On top of the nifty Space Marine stratagem that halves damage on a Dreadnought, you can keep a character with the Ironstone standing next to your Leviathans and reduce the damage they take by 1. That means that enemy dakka Leviathans and Knight’s Avenger Gatling Cannons are only doing 1 damage a pop. (Not good for the enemy team).

Iron Hand Mnemonic Auto-Savant Strat

iron hands stratagem 1

Unfortunately, the only stratagem we’ve seen previewed for these guys so far is for games with Tactical Objectives. Meaning ITC missions won’t fly. However, if you do play with Tactical Objectives, you get the point and can keep the same Objective to score again!

Still waiting on the Iron Father

new iron hands primaris space marine spotted


iron hands suppleent contents

The Iron Father Malkaan Feirros’s name was seen in the contents section of the book. But in one of the most drug-out previews we’ve ever seen, we still have no rules on this guy. Hopefully, we’ll be getting a deeper look into his datasheet in the days ahead.

New Space Marines Prices & Lineup CONFIRMED!

raven-guard-new-releases-space-marines-iron-handsNew Iron Hands, Raven Guard, and Primaris models and supplements are on the way for next week. Check out the lineup and pricing latest. Read More

As for right now, what do you think about the Iron Hands support? What’s the best unit to bring for the highest rules value? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!