It’s an Age of Sigmar two-fer next week! Cities of Sigmar and Orruk Warclans plus the new 40k mini rulebook. Get your first look at their confirmed prices!
Multiple retailers have already confirmed the prices on GW’s next big release wave. Take a look to see what you may be spending your hobby $$$ on this week!
Battletome: Cities of Sigmar $40
Cities of Sigmar is the latest Order Faction to hit the table bringing in all sorts of fighters to the table. These factions inside come from different backgrounds but all fight under the same banner and for the same good.
Cities of Sigmar Warscroll Cards $25
Keep yourself from thumbing through the pages of your book by having all of the datacards you’ll ever need off to the side. This will speed up your game and help you learn your army so much quicker.
Start Collecting Anvil Guard & Greywater Fastness $100 ea.
Ushering in the new Cities of Sigmar faction to AoS, two new Start Collecting kits are on the way. If you like playing the monster hunters or prefer blowing your opponents away in gunfire, these two boxes might be right up your alley.
Battletome: Orruk Warclans $40
On the Destruction side, the Bonesplitterz and Ironjaws are joining forces and coming under one book. This book brings everything from both factions and jumbles them together bringing brand new army compositions that weren’t possible before!
Orruk Warclans Warscroll Cards $25
AoS Gaming Book $35
We know that sometimes it can be a bit of a hassle flicking through multiple books looking for your favourite battleplan, an artefact of the Realms or just a key rule, which is why we’re releasing the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Gaming Book – a curated rules collection containing the most popular supplementary content for matched play.
Middle Earth: King of the Dead & Heralds $40
Bringing to life one of Middle-earth’s most terrifying characters in stunning detail, the King of the Dead is the ideal leader for your Army of the Dead, while Heralds are perfect commanders for other warbands in your force.
Army of the Dead Dice $15
These dice are themed toward the Army of the Dead and actually glow in the dark! You probably won’t be playing your games in the dark too much but they’ll be easy to find if they go up under a table.
Black library
Scourge of Fate (PB) $16
It’s a look inside the inner circle of Archaon Everchosen and his forces – a fascinating glimpse at the greatest heroes of Chaos in the Mortal Realms.
Webstore Exclusives
Battletome: Cities of Sigmar Limited Edition $80
Battletome: Orruk Warclans Limited Edition $80
Warhammer 40k The Rules Book $50
This booklet is a smaller condensed version of the main rule book only pulling out the pertinent info. You can slide this into your travel bag a bit easier and take it with you to your tournaments.
Lord of the Rings Card Packs
These card packs are coming for different factions as well as different costs.
- Defenders of Pelennor Card Pack $27
- Fallen Realms Profile Cards $27
- Mordor Profile Cards $15
It’s no debate that there’s a ton of stuff on the way so with all this previewed, what will you be grabbing? Is there any point to bringing a basic rulebook to 40k games anymore? Will you be playing Cities of Sigmar or the Orruk Warclans next? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!