New Warbands Are Here: Warcry Ally Chart SPOTTED

By Wesley Floyd | September 13th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warcry, Warhammer 40k Rumors

warcry cover wal title new rules

New Warcry ally warband and character rules (along with crazy beasts of the realms) were just spotted from the new supplement book. Check these rules out!

Don’t miss what your different Warbands will be able to bring as allies in games of Warcry. There are some restrictions so make sure your Warband can bring them along before you go out and buy a whole new batch of models.

Spotted on Imgur, there looks to be a table used to see which Warbands can have allies in the upcoming Monsters and Mercenaries supplement book.

Warbands Can Bring Allies

warcry warband ally 1

Highlighted in red, these are the main points to make about Warband allies.

  • In Matched/Open play, you can only have ONE ally in your Warband and they count towards the normal 1,000 pt limit. 
  • Allies and other Warband abilities are completely independent of each other. (That makes sense as they usually have different fighting styles).
  • Allies are highlighted with a circular ring around the faction runemark.

What Allies Can Warbands Bring?

warcry warband ally 2

Remember, we covered that the ally faction runemark is one with the circular halo (bottom half of the table). Directly above them are the Warbands that can be allied with each other.

Essentially, Destruction is with Destruction. Death with Death. Order with Order. and the Warcry-exclusive factions with the classic Chaos gods and their factions.

More Warbands Are Coming

By looking at the ally table, you might have realized that there are some runemarks that aren’t current Warbands.

However, it looks like each Chaos god is going to have a stake in Warcry along with other factions like Slaves to Darkness, Skaven, and more. Check out the Everchosen’s fighter cards and ability chart!

slaves to darkness 3

In a way, they play very similar to the Everchosen by beefing up their melee attacks to do more damage. However, looking at Deathblow, if you roll double 6’s, you can get 6 bonus damage on your next crits!

There are lots more characters and warbands in the book too from the looks of it, with more spotted on Imgur already.

warcry allies chart

So with only one ally being allowed for each Warband in Matched Play, which unit will you be taking? Will you pair a Khorne warrior with the Untamed Beasts for extra savagery? Or a Blightlord with some Iron Golems?

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