Shocking Announcement: GW Teams Up With Marvel


Games Workshop made a surprise announcement saying that they will be partnering with Marvel Comics. Check out the latest on this legandary Team-Up!

Warhammer Community revealed the hot word today announcing that GW and Marvel will be working hand in hand to bring us new content. Buckle up and take a look at the latest word for yourself. While this announcement came to us as a total surprise, we’ve still got a lot of waiting to do.

Shocking GW Announcement: GW Teams Up With Marvel


Hot off of the WHC page:

Games Workshop and Marvel are collaborating to create Warhammer comics! Even better, the first comics are due to land in autumn 2020. Yeah, we know – it’s super rad.

While we’ve got about a year to wait and nothing beyond this shocking announcement, we can only guess as to what kind of comics we’ll see published. However, with the comic-making experience that Marvel has combined with GW’s Grimdark universe, we’re definitely in for a treat.

GW has plenty of options on where to start their comic series. We may be seeing a comic series dating back to the beginning events of 8th edition like the Devastation of Baal all the way to where the Primaris Marines are now well-after the Vigilus series. –And that’s all just the 40k side of things.

In the meantime, all we can do is sit tight and look for further previews on what’s coming.

What comics would you like to see first? 

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