The Sign Says? New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

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A new GW rumor engine is here and it looks like somebody might have had a hard time making a sign. We’re not totally sure what we’re looking at.

Like clockwork, Warhammer Community dropped another rumor engine for AoS or 40k. We’re only able to look at a certain part of the bit and remember, GW like to delete some key features from time to time. But with all that said, take a look at the bit yourself and tell us what you think!

The Sign Says?

rumor engine 9-10-2019

Looking at this rumor engine bit, it looks like somebody has been collecting pieces of wood and trying to make them into a sign. If you look at the top, it actually looks like some kind of old tavern sign we art and “XXXX” As for the rest of the bit, it just looks like somebody found a piece of an old shipwreck and threw some rope around it.

Due to the lack of any modern “feel” to the piece, our guess is that it’s probably something for AoS. There’s not really a faction in 40k that gathers up trash aside from Orks, but even with that, you hardly ever see any wooden bits in the game.

As far as these things go, if it is for AoS, what faction could you see this being for? Do you think this could be to another new AoS faction? Would this fit well on another Troggoth model despite the Gitz just being released?

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