What September’s Big 40k FAQ Could Look Like…

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It’s about time to see the Big FAQ hit for Warhammer 40k again. With that said, what could be in store for the game this time around?

As we move into the tail-end of September we’re still keeping our eyes peeled for GW’s next big 40k FAQ. With that on the horizon, we feel like it might be time to talk about some of the big changes we COULD see.

40k FAQ Future

We could be waiting to see the FAQ after the Iron Hands/Raven Guard supplements hit the players’ hands before we see an update on everything. However, as we wait for for the official word, here are some of the changes we feel like might get touched on.

Aeldari Flyers Are a Problem

Crimson Hunter Dark Eldar

We’ve begun to see the Aeldari meta settle down with continual lists bringing between 6-8 Flyers in 2,000 pts.  Just as at the beginning of 8th edition when Dante was spotted flying around the table with all of the Stormravens, the Aeldari can be almost as bad now. They have a bunch of different Flyers to pick from, keeping them totally legal within the rule-of-3 in Matched Play missions. With that being said, we may see one of two changes. They may either rise in points or do what get the Daemon Princes, treatment by limited the flying chassis to 3 as well? They are inherently the same vehicle just a variation after all…

daemon prince 3

Skirting around the rule-of-three after it was employed, lists were still able to bring up to 12 Daemon Princes if they really wanted. They were technically different datasheets because of their chaos keywording. However, that was nipped in the bud when GW consolidated all of the Daemon Princes into one datasheet. Now, you can only bring three in a list. With the power of Aeldari Flyers evident, we may be seeing a similar rule for those guys as well.

Every Chaos List is Running Plaguebearers

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As it stands, about 80-90% of all competitive Chaos lists running some kind of Daemon is running Plaguebearers. Let’s face it, at 7 pts a model, you get a T4 body that comes with a 5++/5+++ and is a fantastic target for psychic powers making them -2 to hit with an already innate -1 to hit aura in big blobs. There’s just too much value not to take them. With that said, any time you begin to see the exact same units appear over and over in every list with no variation, they usually become the target of change.

We might see a unit cap on these units only allowing for units of 20 (to proc the Cloud of Flies at least). Or we could be seeing these raise a point or two. Either way you look at it, they’ve got some incredible value for their points.

Looking at a basic Troops for the Adeptus Astartes, an individual T4 scout with a 4+ save and boltgun is 11 pts. That’s getting close to double the cost of a single Plaguebearer for lackluster stats in comparison across the board. 

Custodes Have Already Got Their Treatment

adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k wal hor

If you’ve played against the Caladius or Telemon, you’ll know how much they’ve changed in the past few weeks. The Adeptus Custodes have already had their FAQ treatment with the highlights being focused on repurposing the Caladius, a new Troops selection, and a heavy Telemon nerf. With this faction dealt with, they probably won’t see many changes if any at all when the FAQ goes live.

Shock Assault/Hateful Assault & Other Rules Covered

Marines have also gotten the Angels of Death rule incorporating Shock Assault (Hateful Assault if you’re a filthy Traitor) as well as the Bolter Discipline rule. Rather unexpectedly, Marines got a bonus to Rapid Fire on bolt weapons as well as an extra attack on the charge.

With all of these things being covered, what do you think will be in the spotlight of the September FAQ? Do you think they are waiting for the Iron Hands and Raven Guard supplements to hit the tables for a bit before they announce anything?

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