40k Traitor Guard Rumors Emerge: What Can We Expect?

traitor guard renegade chaos warhammer 40k

Come find out what we could see model wise for a rumored Chaos Traitor Guard release for Warhammer 40k. Check out the latest on this fan favorite.

Rumors are circling around the web as Traitor Guard have been rumored as a faction coming to Warhammer 40k in the near future.  Here are our thoughts on what we could see model wise for just such a release.

Traitor Guard As A Standalone Faction


traitor guard 1

Remember, these are rumors and should not be treated as a solid word from GW until we see an official preview for them. Just take all this with a pinch of salt. 

  • Look for Traitor Guard in 2020
  • Unknown if this is associated with Psychic Awakening

If you’ve been following along, remember we first saw plastic Chaos Traitor Guard as a part of the Blackstone Fortress Box Set. This is the first time that we’ve seen them in plastic and their models were highly dynamic.


fw ogryn 2However, this wasn’t the first time we’ve seen Traitor guard altogether. Forge World used to have kits of Chaos Traitor Guard with a heavy focus on Ogryn.

What Can We Expect

traitor command 3Realistically, we’ve already seen the Traitor Guard infantry models. These kits are already made and we could see clam packs for the Traitor Commissar/Ogryn. Meanwhile, a Box of 10 might be for the regular Guardsmen. With that said, that might be the first time we see a heavy weapons kit come in plastic for the Traitors as well. (They didn’t get anything like mortars or heavy bolters in Blackstone Fortress).

As for the rest of the army, the Leman Russ is the main battle tank of the Imperium. GW releasing upgrade kits initially for the armor aspect seems to make sense.  Buying a clam pack of spikes, the torso of a spikey Tank Commander, throw a couple of chains here and there, and you’ve got your standard-issue Chaos Russ.

Genestealer UpgradeWhen it comes to potential additional traitor guard models, something along the lines of the Genestealer Cults upgrade sprue made be the way we see GW go for them.

With all of this being covered, how do you think GW could bring Traitor Guard onto the 40k scene as a standalone faction? What would a Chaos-infused Battle Cannon or Plasma Executioner be like stats-wise?

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