6 Missile Death Blossom: New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

gw rumor engine

Another rumor engine is here and it looks like a revolver packing a serious payload. Take a look at the latest bit and tell us what you think it goes to.

Warhammer Community revealed another rumor engine right on schedule and by taking a shot in the dark on guesses…it’s probably not for AoS. Check out what might be on the way to 40k soon.

6 Missile Death Blossom: New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 10-8-19

If this really is a revolver loaded up with nuclear warheads, the model carrying this thing around must be huge. It looks like an exposed chamber to a revolver, and if that is the case, are we about to see some kind of Knight roll up to the table one-handing a pistol? Keep your eyes peeled for a Dirty Harry-class Knight.

If this isn’t a Knight’s payload, could it be a spool of bombs that’ll be sitting inside of a huge bomber? That could also be an option. As far as the bit itself goes, it looks way too clean to be something the Orks threw together. This may be yet another Primaris Space Marine release underway.

However, if it’s not for the Primaris, then the only other logical option would be the Imperial Guard. After all, they are the ones that specialize in making craters where enemies used to be. It’s about time for Guard to get some love anyway.

It could also be for those crafty Dwarves in Age of Sigmar or ordnance experts of the Free-Peoples as well.

What do you think this bit will go to? Could this be a new gun for a Knight? Will it be a payload for a non-FW bomber? If this is for the Imperial Guard, do you think it could be a new unit? Or just an updated old model from Sigmar?

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