The hobby maniacs at FoxBox are doing Haloween right! Come and see how you can get this free mini before Halloween 2019.
Fox Box is a great miniature company that has minis for most tabletop occasions. Come and see their newest release for the holiday season.
Jack Goblinton – Fox Box Halloween Goblin (available until 4th November): £4.99
You ever have one of those days where you wake up and discover that your head has been inexplicably replaced by a pumpkin? No? Just me I suppose.
This is a single model. Size-wise it’s about the size of a GW grot and is supplied with an untextured 25mm base. It’s cast in resin and so some clean up may be required. For further details see our Working With Resin page.
Sculpted by Benjamin Fox based on concept art by Ross Graham. Supplied unpainted.
Get your game ready for Halloween! Make sure you visit Fox Box and spend 50£ to secure your free mini today.