First 3 Armies To Try For Cities of Sigmar: Empire Strikes Back

By Travis Perkins | October 30th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Tactics

age of sigmar cities of sigmar rulesThe Empire is back (sort of) in one of the most anticipated battletomes since AoS first hit the shelves. Let’s dive into the first 3 cities!

Cities of Sigmar was one of the most anticipated battletomes to come out since AoS found its footing a couple of years ago.  Travis Perkins breaks it down and puts together armies for the first three cities!

The Cities of Sigmar tome has not disappointed, giving readers a plethora of major cities their “mortal warriors” can hail from. It is one of the largest battletomes to date, and the options for army building in it are massive. While some cities are better than others for competitive play, we are going to dive into this book and make an army for each of the seven cities listed in there.

cities of sigmar 2


First, let’s cover the abilities all the cities get:

  • Wizards gain the empowered ability of any of the endless spells they cast regardless of what realm the battle is in.
  • If your general has wounds characteristic of 6 or less you can add 1 retinue of 5 to 20 models for your general. Every time your general takes a wound or mortal wound your retinue can instead take it on a 4+ if they are within 3” of them.
  • If you general has a wounds characteristic of 6 or less you can pick 1 friendly hero to be his adjunct. In you hero phase roll a dice for that hero if they are within 3” of your general, on a 4+ you receive 1 extra command point.
  • 1 in every 4 units in a cities army can be a stormcast eternal and are given the cities of sigmar keyword

Now let’s dive into the cities themselves!


Hammerhall is the first of the mortal cities established after the Realmgate Wars and one of the largest. It spans two different realms, the realm of life or realm of fire so you can choose either when playing as this city.

  • Roll a dice for every standard in the army, on a 6 you gain a bonus command point.
  • If Aventis Firestrike is your general, you receive 1 extra command point
  • Ignore battleshock test while wholly within your territory
  • Command Ability: Used at end of the combat phase, until wholly within enemy territory and wholly within 12”, and within 3” of the enemy. That unit can fight.
  • Unique Command Traits, Spells, and Artefacts

I like the idea of Hammerhall being the “Empire of old” and having a backbone of an army being your typical human warriors. So starting out we are going to put in the general, and then the battleline units.

  • Freeguild General: General, Leader 1 of 6: 100 Points
  • Battlemage: General’s Adjutant: Leader 2 of 6: 90 Points
  • 20 Freeguild Greatswords: Honoured Retinue, Battleline 1 of 3: 320 Points
  • 20 Freeguild Handgunners: Battleline 2 of 3: 200 Points
  • 40 Freeguild Guard: Battleline 3 of 3: 280 Points

Total 990

You have a lot of models that can be used to control objectives and hold the line. Just don’t expect these guys to go toe to toe with larger monsters and win the day. To help with that problem lets add in some artillery to hopefully shoot a couple of things off the table, as well as a pair of assassins to surprise your opponent.

  • Cogsmith: Leader 3 of 6: 60 Points
  • Assassin: Leader 4 of 6: 80 Points
  • Assassin: Leader 5 of 6: 80 Points
  • Helstorm Volley Gun: 1 of 4 Artillery: 120 Points
  • Helstorm Volley Gun: 2 of 4 Artillery: 120 Points

Total 1450


So now you have a couple of surprises should your opponent get close, some ranged threats, and plenty of bodies on the board. But you’re still missing that melee presence that can swing the tide and go toe to toe with anyone. That person is Gotrek.

  • Gotrek Gurnisson: Leader 6 of 6: 520 Points (all allied)
  • Prismatic Palisade: Endless Spell: 30 Points

Total 2000 Points

This is a huge model count army whose board presence should be solid at first, and the Assassin’s will be a nice surprise for your opponent when they think they are charging weak freeguild units. Gotrek can pretty much keep a flank or the center of the line together by himself, but if you can give your battlemage a healing spell just in case he needs to be healed.

Living City

Living City is the biggest city in the realm of life and was created by Aerial herself, so any armies from this city must claim to be from the realm of life. This is the closest city to a “wood elf” city of old where the inhabitants live in harmony with nature around them.

  • 1 in every 4 units may be from Sylvaneth and gain the cities of Sigmar keyword
  • You can set up 1 unit in reserve for every unit you set up on the battlefield and at the end of movement phase set up wholly within 6” of a table edge and more than 9” from enemy units.
  • In your hero phase, each unit heals 1 wound
  • Command Ability: Used at end of shooting phase, the target is friendly unit that shot and it more than 9” from the enemy and wholly within 18” of friendly hero. That unit can make a normal move.
  • Unique Command Traits, Spells, and Artefacts

This is a perfect army to build if you have some old wood elves or some of the newer Sylvaneth and so we are going to use build this army around those two forces. We are going to start with the Viridian Pathfinders Battalion which will cover your general and your units of battleline.

  • Viridian Pathfinders: Battalion 140 Points
  • Nomand Prince: General and Leader 1 of 6: 120 Points
  • 20 Wildwood Rangers: Honored Retinue and Battleline 1 of 3: 260 Points
  • 10 Wildwood Rangers: Battleline 2 of 3: 130 Points
  • 10 Wildwood Rangers: Battleline 3 of 3: 130 Points
  • 10 Wild Riders: No Unit Type: 260 Points (130 for 5)

Total 1040

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This is a solid first half of your army and they will all be set up in ambush, so we are going to get some sturdy models to put on the field to balance them, a little bit of ranged threat, and a companion to go along with your general.

  • Spirit of Durthu: Leader 2 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4: 340 Points
  • Trelord Ancient: Leader 3 of 6, Behemoth 2 of 4: 300 Points
  • Celestar Ballista: War Machine 1 of 4, 110 Points
  • Celestar Ballista: War Machine 2 of 4, 110 Points
  • Assassin: General Adjutant, Leader 4 of 6: 80 Points

Total 1980 Points.

To me this is what a City of Sigmar list is all about, mixing multiple armies into one giant soup. I love the idea of setting up the Assassin in the Honored Retinue and then setting up the whole battalion in reserve to be set up at the end of the first movement phase. Meanwhile with your bonus command ability you can get your Spirit of Durthu and Treelord Ancient into charge distance with the bonus move command ability. (Place your awakened wyldwoos smartly with the tree lord ancient) Then try and get some pop shots off with your celestar ballistas.

Greywater Fastness

Greywater Fastness is the opposite of the Living City and instead of embracing nature they use it to fuel their massive warmachines. Spewing pollution and smog think of this army being the bad guys from Ferngully except they worship Sigmar. While it is located in the Realm of Life and thus must come from there the Sylvaneth are less than pleased with them.

  • In hero phase a Runelord and chant a prayer on a 2+ that allows 1 friendly warmachine within 3” to add 1 to hit rolls.
  • Add 3” to the range characteristic of Ironweld missile weapons by 3”. In addition, you can include 1 additional artillery unit in your army.
  • Command Ability: Use in your shooting phase, pick 1 friendly Handgunners or Irondrakes that is wholly within 12” of a hero. Add 1 to hit rolls to their missile weapons.
  • Unique Command Traits, Spells, and Artefacts

Well here is your steampunk I am going to shoot you off the board with my artillery city so let’s get to it with the Steamtanks!

  • Steamtank with Commander: General, Leader 1 of 6: 250 Points
  • Steamtank: Battleline 1 of 3: 200 Points
  • Steamtank: Battleline 2 of 3: 200 Points
  • Steamtank: Battleline 3 of 3: 200 Points

Total 850 Points

We need some more heroes to support these as well as some models for objective grabbing so let’s fill out those slots with some support and a block of ranged troops that can support the steam tanks.

  • Runelord: Leader 2 of 6: 90 Points
  • Runelord: Leader 3 of 6: 90 Points
  • Cogsmith: Leader 4 of 6: 60 Points
  • Cogsmith: Leader 5 of 6: 60 Points
  • Lord Ordinator: Leader 6 of 6: 140 Points
  • 10 Irondrakes: 150 Points
  • 10 Irondrakes: 150 Points

Total 1590

Because the steam tanks don’t count towards behemoths or artillery, I am going to add in a Celestial Hurricanum to add to their giving your steam tanks near the Lord Ordinator +2 to hit rerolling 1’s. This is pretty awesome for cannons. Which leaves 190 points that can be used on pretty much anything. For me, I am going to add in some helicopters cause why not!

  • Celestial Hurricanum: Behemoth 1 of 4: 220 Points
  • Gyrobomber: 80 Points
  • Gyrobomber: 80 Points

Total 1970 Points

This is an army that uses the steam tanks as a lynchpin to drive straight into the middle of the opponent. Support them with your heroes and they can dish out some damage and heal themselves up. Use the Irondrakes to hold back and sit on objectives while shooting at targets that are pinned down with the steam tanks.

Next week we will cover the last of the cities with the Phoenicium, Anvilgard, Hallowheart, and Tempest Eye!


More AoS How-To For Beginners!

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About the Author: Travis Perkins

An avid homebrewer and Detroit sports fan (yes even the Lions). I am new to the world of wargamming and very much enjoying the journey. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to comment on the article or email me at perki116@msu.edu