GW Reveals Beefy Ogor Mawtribe Sub-Faction Rules

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Ogor Mawtribes are so vast that they have developed their own ways of fighting. Check out these rules of the upcoming Battletome!

Warhammer Community unveiled the rules of the Ogor sub-factions previewing exactly how they’ll be playing on the tabletop. If you missed the first preview, make sure you get caught up. However, jumping into the latest, here’s what we’ve got to digest.

Meatfist Mawtribe

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Mawtribe ravenous BrutestWe’ve seen this rule once before. And in this updated image of the rule, it looks like there’s a typo in the title. However, these Ogors are extra hungry and gain bonus effects based on where the enemy is. If your Ogors aren’t in combat, they get +2″ of movement. If they are in combat, they’re eating the enemy and get +2 Bravery.

mawtribe unstoppable feastFor the Heroes, you can use this command ability. You can increase the attack of Gluttons’ Gulping Bite within 18″ of the Hero.

mawtribe food for thoughtFor what looks to be a Command Trait, you can give your General the ability to gain a CP every turn if he’s in combat. It’s a risky play but generally speaking, Ogors are burly and can take a bit of a beating.

Bloodgullet Mawtribe

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The Bloodgullet are the most reliable of all the Mawtribes, boosting the natural abilities of Ogor Gluttons with re-rolls, and offering boons to healers like Butchers to make them even tougher. If you plan to stick around for dessert, bring the Bloodgullet. 

mawtribe heralds of the gulping godFor the Bloodgullets, if you’re a fan of the Butchers, this is probably your faction. Your Butchers are potent spellcasters knowing an extra spell and being able to cast an extra in your hero phase.

mawtribe splatter cleaverThis relic can explode into a healing aura around the bearer. All he has to do is wound something (and it takes damage). If this happens, everybody within 12″ heals D3!

Underguts Mawtribe

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mawtribe thunderous salvoIf you like mountainous dudes toting cannons for weapons and strapping them to the backs of animals, the Underguts are your chosen faction. Thunderous Salvo is a command ability that gives all your Ironblasters within 12″ of your hero an extra shooting attack.

mawtribe gunmastersTo sweeten the deal, all of your cannons will also have +6″ of range over normal Leadbelchers. that’s pretty huge in a game where almost everybody wants to charge as quickly as possible. You can begin your volleys even further away.

Boulderhead Mawtribe



mawtribe fearsome breedMoving into the Beastclaw Raiders Mawtribes, these guys use horrifying mountain creatures as their weapons of war. Each Monster in the faction gets an extra wound and all the Heroes on Stonehorns and Thundertusks get their own Mount trait. Normally, this is only reserved for the General.

mawtribe dig deep your heelsIf you’ve got a unit that’s on its last leg-literally, you can use this command ability and ignore all degraded profiles for the hero. Your enemies will have to dedicate all their attacks into one unit at a time making sure they kill them off because this is the last thing they need being used.

Thunderbellies Mawtribe

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mawtribe swift outflankIf you like the Beastclaws but not so much the Monster side of the faction, you can always load up on Mournfang Packs. These guys can charge even if they ran as long as they were on the edge of the table at the start of your turn. this is a dynamic rule that’ll force you to constantly be aware of positioning so keep that in mind.

mawtribe shatterstoneShatterstone is neat as all terrain within a 12″ bubble is counted as Deadly Scenery. However, compared to some of the other artifacts we’ve seen in Ossiarch Bonereapers and Mawtribe Battletomes, this looks fairly tame.

Winterbite Mawtribe


Embracing the unrelenting fury of the Everwinter, the Winterbite Mawtribe uses the storm to mask their movements. From the shroud of blinding snow, they conduct ambushes instead of overwhelming their prey as many other ogors would do. 

mawtribe ghosts in the blizzardHiding in the blizzards, your entire faction will be -1 to hit as long as you’re in your territory. these guys look to already be playing more reserved/cagey than most Beastclaw lists.

mawtribe howl of the wildHowl of the Wind plays on the creatures that Beastclaws use to their advantage. Sabres and Yhetes will get to fight earlier than expected with this command ability. Generally speaking, neither of these units are used too often so unless they get some bonuses in the book, this might be irrelevant.

mawtribe wintertouchedOf the support we know they are getting, if your General has the Wintertouched rule, they’ll be adding 1 to wound rolls which is always nice.

mawtribe frostfangFinally, for the Frostfang artifact, you can keep supercharging your weapon to hit harder and harder as each battle round goes on. Late-game, you could be doing something absurd like 5+ damage a swing!

With all of these rules previewed, where does your list stand? Do you have to alter your collection any? Which Mawtribe will you be running first? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!

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feast of bones box setWhich faction are you going for? Don’t miss this hobby dollar breakdown for the potential value of everything that comes inside the Feast of Bones Starter box set. Read More

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.