How Eldar Will Work In 40k Psychic Awakening: Rules Reveal

psychic awakening new rules models warhammer 40k

Check out the full rules for Attributes, Aspects, and Psychic Powers from the Eldar Craftworld’s side of Psychic Awakening Phoenix Rising!

We’ve gathered all the info on the new Craftworlds rules from the Psychic awakening book. From Craftworld attributes to Powers of the Aspect Shrine and Psychic powers we’ve got you covered!

Phoenix Rising normPlease excuse any syntax or grammatical errors, as this is a summation of the rules and not direct copy verbatim from the book.

Powers of the Aspect Shrine

If you have an Exarch in your army you can swap out a generic Exarch power for another, or you can pay 1 CP to give them an additional on top of their original. However, you can only play that aspect’s stratagem once per battle.

There are six new powers to choose from for each of the nine Aspects, ranging from Howling Banshees to Crimson Hunters. You can either replace your Exarch’s existing power with one of the new options, or make use of the Exemplar Stratagems to pick one in addition. 2

Fire Dragons have access to:

  1. Dragons Bite: Whilst this unit contains a fire dragon exarch at the start of your shooting phase you can change the type of characteristic of their fusion guns to pistol 1.
  2. Tank Killer: When resolving an attack with a fire pike by this units exarch against a vehicle you can reroll one of the damage rolls
  3. Burning Fists: Melee weapons that this units Exarch is equiped with has an AP of -2 and a Damage of 2 when resolving an attack with this melee weapon you can reroll wounds rolls.
  4. Swift Step: Whilst this unit contains a fire dragon exarch, when they advance you can roll 3d6 and discard 2
  5. Wall of Fire: When this unit fires overwatch an exarch equipped with the dragons breath flamer can make a wall of fire attack, instead of shooting then roll a d6, on a 2 plus the unit takes d3 mortal wounds.
  6. Burning Heat: Whilst this unit contains a fire dragon exarch, when resolving an attack with a melee weapon against this unit, subtract 1 to hit rolls.

Dire Avengers have access to:

  1. Blade Storm: While this unit contains an exarch, when resolving an attack with a ranged weapon that does not have a grenade type by a model in this unit, an unmodified roll or 6 scores an additional hit.
  2. Defend: While this unit contains an exarch, when resolving an attack with a melee weapon against this unit, subtract 1 to wound rolls.
  3. Stand Firm: While this unit contains an exarch, when a morale test is taken for this unit, they automatically pass
  4. Martial Adapt: This units exarch has a BS and WS of 2+
  5. Shredding Fire: Range weapons that do not have the granade type that the exarch uses has an AP of -3 and lose any weapon abilities
  6. Avenging Strikes: While this unit contains an exarch, and any models in this unit have been destroyed,  add one to hit and wound rolls

dark reapers

Dark Reapers have access to:

  1. Rapid Shot: When the exarch shoots add one to the number of attacks with their ranged weapons
  2. Rain of Death: When the exarch shoots the tempest launcher you can reroll the dice to determine the number of attacks
  3. Grim Visage: While this unit contains an exarch, subtract 1 from the leadership of any enemies within 6 inches of the unit
  4. Long Range Fire: While this unit contains an exarch, add 6 inches to the range characteristics of range wepons
  5. Deadly Touch: When this units exarch makes an attack with a melee weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 2 mortal wounds in addition to any other damage
  6. Focused Fire: When this unit is chosen to shoot with, the exarch can target a character as long as it is within 18 inches of the exarch.

Swooping Hawks have access to:

  1. Intercept: While this unit contains an exarch, when resolving an attack with a model in this unit, if it target a unit that can fly you can reroll hit rolls.
  2. Suppressive Fire: When the exarch fire overwatch subtract two from the charge rolls for that unit until the end of the phase.
  3. Exarch Evade: While this unit contains an exarch, Models in the unit have a 5+ Invuln save.
  4. Rapid Assault: If this unit makes a charge roll or is charged, add two to the attack characteristic of the exarch this turn
  5. Fast Shot: Range weapons of the exarch have type assault 6.
  6. Swooping Barrage: While this unit contains an exarch, add one to this units swooping hawk and grenade pack abilities.

Striking Scorpions have access to:

  1. Stalker: While this unit contains an exarch, and is wholly on or within a terrain feature when an enemy uses a ranged weapon against this unit subtract one from the hit roll.
  2. Crushing Blow: Add 2 to the Strength characteristic of the exarch.
  3. Scorpions Grasp: When this unit’s exarch makes an attack with its scorpion claw, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts one mortal would in addition to normal damage.
  4. Ambush: While this unit contains an exarch, and is wholly on or within a terrain feature they can fight first, if charging is involved then alternate
  5. With Drawl: At the end of the fight phase if the exarch is within 1 inch of any enemy models that unit can fall back up to 6 inches as if it were the movement phase.
  6. Scorpions sting: While this unit contains a exarch add one to their Manderblast ability


Howling Banshees have access to:

  1. Graceful Avoidance: While this unit contains an exarch when a model in this unit would lose a wound in the fight phase roll a d6 on a 5+ the wound is not lost
  2. Piercing Strike: When this unit is chosen to fight with, the exarch can make a piercing strike with the executioner, if they do subtract one from the attack characteristic, add 3 to the strength, and the damage becomes 3 for the exarch for the rest of the round.
  3. Disarming Strike: At the start of the fight phase, you can select one unit within 1 inch of this unit’s exarch, subtract 2 from the attack characteristic of that unit to a minimum of 1 until the end of the phase.
  4. Whirling Blades: Add 1 to the attacks characteristic of the exarch, if they have mirror swords add 2 instead
  5. Decapitating Strike: When resolving a melee attack with this unit’s exarch an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts a mortal wound in addition to normal damage.
  6. Nerve Shredding Shriek: When this unit charges if it includes an exarch, select one enemy within one on a 4+ they take d3 mortal wounds.

Shining Spears have access to:

  1. Withdraw: At the end of the fight phase if the exarch is within 1 inch of any enemy models that unit can fall back up to 6 inches as if it were the movement phase.
  2. Sweeping Dive: While this unit contains an exarch when a charge roll is made add one to the result
  3. Blade Master: The exarchs melee weapon has a damage characteristic of 3
  4. Lancer: When resolving an attack with a laser lance or star lance with the exarch an unmodified roll of 6 to hit is an addition hit
  5. Skilled Rider: This unit gets a 3+ invuln against ranged weapons.
  6. Heart Strike: When resolving an attack with this units exarch, and unmodified hit roll of 6 one mortal wound on the target in addition to normal damage.

Crimson Hunters have access to:

  1. Aerial Predator: When resolving an ranged attack made with this model against a unit that can fly add one to the damage.
  2. Evade: Get a 5+ Invuln
  3. Hawkeye: This model does not suffer movement and fire heavy weapons
  4. Strafing Assault: When resolving an ranged attack made with this model against a unit that cannot fly reroll wound rolls of 1
  5. Eye of Cain: When resolving an ranged aSttack made with this model against a unit they do not receive cover
  6. Aerial Maneuvering: When this model moves you can pivot up to 180 instead of 90

warp spider

Warp Spiders have access to:

  1. Surprise Assault: While this unit contains an exarch, when resolving an attack with a death spinner by a model in this unit and a turn on which they set up on the battlefield you can reroll a hit roll
  2. Withdraw: At the end of the fight phase if the exarch is within 1 inch of any enemy models that unit can fall back up to 6 inches as if it were the movement phase.
  3. Whim of Deceit: Once per battle in your movement phase, if the unit contains an exarch, you can remove this unit and set it up anywhere more than 9 inches away from any enemy models at the end of the movement phase.
  4. Spiders Lair: While this unit contains an exarch, and is wholly on or within a terrain feature, when an enemy finishes a charge within 1 inch roll a d6 on a 3+ the enemy takes 3 mortal wounds
  5. Flickering Assault: While this unit contains an exarch, models in the unit can pile in 6 inches instead of 3
  6. Spiders Bite: Power blades the exarch is equipped with have strength +1 and Damage 2

Psychic Powers

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Runes of Fortune are small psychic powers your psyker’s can take instead of smite.

  1. Fateful Divergence: Warp charge 4, select one friendly Craftworld unit within 6 inches until your next psychic phase they can reroll a single hit roll wound roll or save roll.
  2. Witch Strike: Warp charge 4, add 2 to the damage characteristic of this psyker’s melee weapons
  3. Ghost Walk: Warp charge 6, select one friendly Craftworld unit within 6 inches until your next psychic phase add two to their charge rolls
  4. Crushing Orb: Warp charge 6, select one enemy character within 18 and visible to the psyker, roll 3d6 each 5+ is a mortal wound
  5. Focus Will: Warp charge 6, select a friendly craftworld psyker within 6 inches until your next psychic phase add two to any deny the witch test taken by the chosen psycher.
  6. Impair Senses: Warp charge 6, select one enemy unit within 18 and visible to the psyker, until your next psychic phase the unit can only shoot the closest visible unit unless the target is within 18 inches

Craftworld Attributes

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  • Children of Morei-heg: When resolving an attack by a model with this attribute and a unit with at least half its starting models, add one to hit rolls
  • Children of Prophecy: When a psychic test is taken for a model with this attribute each individual dice roll of 1 is treated as a 2 instead.
  • Children of the Open Skies: When a unit with this attribute with fly advances add 2 inches to the move characteristic until the end of the phase.
  • Diviners of Fate: Models have a 6+ invuln
  • Expert Crafters: When a unit fires overwatch or is chosen to shoot or fight with you may reroll a single hit and wound roll
  • Grim: When a unit takes a morale test you can reroll a die

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  • Headstrong: When a charge roll is made with a model with this attribute add one to the result
  • Hunters of Ancient Relics: Add one to the attack characteristic to a model while they are within 3 inches of any objective markers
  • Martial Citizenry: When resolving an attack with Guardian model reroll hit rolls of one
  • Masterful Shots: When resolving an attack the target does not get the benefit of cover to its saving throw.
  • Masters of Concealment: When resolving an attack with a ranged weapon against a model with this trait that is more than 12 inches away they get the benefit of cover
  • Mobile Fighters: When resolving an attack with a model that disembarked from a transport re-roll hit rolls of 1
  • Savage Blades: When resolving an attack with a melee weapon with a model that charged this turn or were charged or performed a heroic intervention, re-roll hit rolls of 1
  • Strike and Fade: CHOOSE ONE: Units can charge after they have fallen back in the same turn OR when consolidating you don’t have to more towards the closest enemy model.
  • Students of Vaal: At the start of your turn each vehicle with this attribute regains a lost wound
  • Superior Shuriken: Add one to the range characteristic of shuriken weapons
  • Vengful Blades: When resolving an attack with a melee weapon against a chaos unit and the unit chraged, was charged, or performed a heroic intervention you can reroll hit rolls
  • Warding Runes: When a model with this attribute would lose a wound as a result of a mortal wound roll a die on a 5+ that wound is not lost.
  • Webway Warriors: The webway strike stratagem can be used one additional time per battle for each detachment excluding auxiliary support detachments.

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Wow, that’s a lot of rules, and we haven’t even touched on the new Datasheets! What do you think about this rules wave? Is Craftworlds going to be competitive outside of Jet builds now?

GW Reveals How Ynnari Will Work In Psychic Awakening

psychic-awakening-aspect-warriorsAs if a new Box Set, models, and rules wasn’t enough for the Eldar, GW just revealed how the Ynnari will still work with all these new goodies. Read More

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