GW Reveals Jain Zar & Drazhar’s 40k Rules

dhrazar-jain-zar-psychic-awakening-rulesDon’t miss the rules for these two Aeldari characters! Jain Zar and Drazhar’s rules reveal are finally here from the Blood of the Phoenix Box Set! Check out the latest.

Warhammer Community revealed the rules coming to the newly remodeled Aeldari characters coming inside the Blood of the Phoenix Box Set. Check out the rules for each and let us know who’s rules seem more competitive! Plus, who would win in that 1v1?

Jain Zar’s Rules Revealed

jain zar 1As one would expect from an ageless warrior queen, Jain Zar’s profile is vastly superior to all other Asuryani save the Avatar of Khaine and her fellow Phoenix Lords. In fact, with the exception of Baharroth (who does have wings, to be fair), Jain Zar is also the swiftest of her kind.

jain zar 2Starting off Jain Zar is T4 sitting one tick above most other Aeldari footsoldiers. And beyond that, she moves a whopping 8″ with a 2+ armor save.

jain zar 3On top of an 8″ move, she’ll be able to advance D6″ and even charge. If she got a running start earlier in the turn, she can also charge from 15″ away making her (probably) the only unit in the game that gets around selecting legal charge targets. Plus, when you do all of that, she gets to add 3″ to the roll.

jain zar 4With even more icing on the cake, she comes with an innate no-overwatch rule. You’ll be able to run her past the rest of your units and get her into combat to tie up the enemy. Then just bring up the rear with all your other melee blobs.

jain zar 5As for her weapons, she’s basically got a 4-shot Marine killer. Wounding on a 4+ against T4 things, most single-wound models will be knocked out by her. It just gets even more potent when she starts targeting T3 screens.

For her melee aspect, she can swing 4 times at S6 doing D3 damage a pop or at least forcing the enemy’s invuln save. Plus, against the especially tough nuts to crack, she can reroll her wounds.

jain zar 7Finally, being a Banshee lord, her Cry of War Unending lets Banshees within 6″ always fight first, even if they didn’t charge. This is essentially the Slaanesh Daemon faction rule.

jain zar 8If she finds herself stuck in a tarpit of Termagants or Orks, she can choose to gain attacks equal to every enemy model within 2″, making her a screen blender as well!

Not too bad! Overall, it looks like she’ll be a fast, nigh untargettable precision killer.

Drazhar Rules Revealed

drazharDrazhar is the murderously powerful Hierarch of the Great Shrine of the Incubi in Commorragh, and rumours abound regarding his mysterious origins. Some say that he is the fallen Phoenix Lord of the Striking Scorpions who bore that mantle before the rise of Karandras, others that he is the fabled Dark Father of the Incubi. Some even claim him to be both! Whatever the truth may be, if his profile is anything to go by, Drazhar is certainly a match for a Phoenix Lord.

drazhar 2Nearing the same stats as Jain Zar (they’re both Eldar), he’s got one less inch of movement but six attacks vs. Jain Zar’s base four.

drazhar 3Using those six attacks, he can go up to S5 and essentially become a Primaris/character killer, or pump out two more attacks (now 8) at S4.

drazhar 4While Jain Zar is more mobile, if you do find yourself getting the charge off, he can fight twice. That could potentially be 16 hits coming from one model doing two damage a pop.

drazhar 5And finally, being an Incubi lord, he can add 1 to the wounds of all Incubi within 6″. Which is strong, but might be countered by Jain Zar’s Cry of War Unending. With all of this covered, it seems like Drazhar, while still mobile, lacks the speed of Jain Zar. However, once he gets stuck into combat, he’s got much more damage output.

What do you think about the two characters? Which one is stronger? Who is your favorite in the lore? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!