Titanicus Terrain & Bundle: Pre-Orders From Forge World

By Wesley Floyd | October 19th, 2019 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Forge World, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Forge World has a new batch of pre-orders out and it’s taking the form of terrain for Adeptus Titanicus. Check out what’s up next.

Forge World has another round of new pre-order up on their webstore and it’s all based around Adeptus Titanicus. While these are scaled down for a game meant for tiny titans, these could also work seamlessly with games like 40k and 30k.

These are up for pre-order right now and will ship on October 25, 2019.

Titanicus Silos $19

Forge World titanicus silo

This kit consists of two resin models for use in Adeptus Titanicus – one comprises of three silos, and the other represents a large storage area.

Titanicus Manufactorum $19

forge world titanicus manufactorum

Upgrade your Adeptus Titanicus battlefields with a manufactorum to fight over. This resin model makes a perfect objective for your games, as well as adding variety to your scenery collection. Combine this manufactorum with plastic Civitas Imperialis scenery and the other resin scenery available to create the ultimate battlefield for your Titans and Knights.

This is a single resin model for use in Adeptus Titanicus.

Titanicus Turbine, Crate & Barricades $19

forge world titanicus turbine crate and barricades

This kit consists of ten resin models for use in Adeptus Titanicus – eight barricades, one crushed crate and one circular turbine.

Mixing in some random objects and debris that you might find across a war-torn battlefield, these pieces are perfect for scattering across your play area.

Titanicus Power Generators $19

forge world titanicus power generators

This kit consists of four resin models for use in Adeptus Titanicus – three power generators and an entrance to an underground complex.

In the same field as the barricades and turbines, you can always pair these up with a bigger building making it look like these are providing some kind of power source.  If nothing else, these are also awesome unique pieces for a display board!

Titanicus Terrain Detail Collection $76

forge world titanicus terrain bundle

This is just a bundle of everything covered from above and comes with:

  •  Adeptus Titanicus Manufactorum – one resin building.
  •  Adeptus Titanicus Power Generators – three resin power generators and one underground entrance.
  •  Adeptus Titanicus Silos – one set of three resin silos and one large storage area.
  •  Adeptus Titanicus Turbine, Crate & Barricades – eight resin barricades, one crushed crate and one circular turbine.

Note that when you buy this you aren’t actually saving any money from buying everything individually. However, it does save some time and clicks.

With all of this covered, what will you be pre-ordering? Will you be using this for Titanicus or for a more scenic display board?

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