Top 3 40k Army Lists As Space Marines Dominate OCT Again…

space marine wal hor tourneySpace Marines are still on top this weekend as the dominated the top of another Warzone Tournament. Check out the army list that did well.

Of the factions that placed in the top three from Warzone: Come the Apocalypse, these armies went head-to-head against some of the most competitive lists we’ve seen. All the results were a combination of soft-scoring. Points were added up in battle points, paint, and sportsmanship. With this covered let’s check out the top three armies!

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the armies as if we were there ourselves.

warzone atlanta

3rd Place: Iron Hands- Daniel Hesters

iron hands space marine wal feirros


warzone come the apocalypse iron hands

In the wake of the heavy-handed GW FAQ, Iron Hands still managed to squeeze out the 3rd-place win (however we’re not entirely sure what version of FAQ rules this IH army ran). Starting out extremely unique, the Warlord of the list was actually a Dreadnought Chaplain. This is an HQ option that rarely pops up. However, because of the Iron Hands’ sheer toughness, it’s a fantastic choice. Of course, Feirros was also a no-brainer option (FAQ or not) and three minimum squads of troops were brought for the CP.

Moving onto the punch of the list, a single Warsuit infiltrated with the Infiltrators to get some early-game oppression going while the Deredeo, Leviathan, and Repulsor Executioner hung back with Feirros unloading on threats. A Thunderfire Cannon was also brought to help shred screens and even slow down bigger targets, making the enemy list more digestible.

Finally, two Librarians and a regular Primaris Captain hit the field for rerolls and a little psychic interaction. Overall, this list is nearly completely different from most Iron Hands lists we’ve seen. Awesome job.

2nd Place: Chaos Soup- Chris Powell

khorne daemonkin sm wal chaos


warzone come the apocalypse chaos

Moving into 2nd place, Chris brought a mix of Daemons and Chaos Marines into a single list. A Daemon Prince and a few other characters led a Battalion of Brimstones and a Blue Horror for the CP battery and surprisingly effective Troops for the points.

A second Battalion was taken with two Lord Discordants leading three squads of 5 Tzeentch-marked Marines and three Defilers. The real punch of the list came from the Defilers as a surprisingly effective option. These huge walkers are cheap wound sponges and are capable of putting out a ton of damage. However, they’re not seen too often in competitive play. The Lord Discordants rolled with these guys and gave them a combined melee potential that could really dish out the damage.  To top it all off, Ahriman and an Exalted Sorcerer led three Tzaangor Shamans in a Vanguard for all the psychic support the list would need.

All in all, this list ran some incredibly unique options and surprised the meta with unit combinations that nobody really expected.

1st Place: Ultramarines- Thomas Byrd

New 40k Characters Guilliman Wal Hor



warzone come the apocalypse ultramarine

In the first Detachment of this list, Tiggy and a Techmarine on Bike formed a Battalion leading some Scouts, a Leviathan, and Thunderfire Cannon. The Scouts were taken to create space for the Storm Cannons and other heavy firepower to have a little breathing room when they fired.

Next, a Vanguard led by another Chaplain Dreadnought (like the Iron Hands) brought a twin-las cannon Contemptor and three squads of Victrix Honor Guard. For a reliable bodyguard melee unit, it’s extremely hard to beat the Victrix in their weight class. In the same detachment, a Repulsor Executioner was also taken and lined up shots with the Leviathan. And finally, to top it all off, Robbie G made a guest appearance giving everybody the rerolls and ultimate smackdown to anybody that found themselves in melee with him.

Overall, this list doesn’t differ too much from the Iron Hands list. They both had a psychic aspect, both brought infiltrating units, Leviathans, Chaplain Dreads, Executioners, etc. What do you think about those unit options available to all Space Marine Chapters? Have Iron Hands been roped in a bit from their rules-silliness?

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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.