GW Waiting To Pull The Trigger On These New AoS Models?

By Wesley Floyd | November 28th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

khorne aos sigmar hor walThere’s been something peculiar we noticed about new faction support in AoS. Check out what GW may be waiting for 2020 to pull the trigger on.

As we are ending the 2019 year, the last faction to get support looks to be Slaves to Darkness in AoS. But looking back at some of the other factions brought up to speed this year, there are some that haven’t gotten the same level of support for unknown reasons. Here’s what we mean.

Factions Haven’t Gotten Equal Treatment

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Some factions that have been given new rules from GW haven’t gotten equal treatment. One of the factions probably most fresh in your mind are the Ogors. Released alongside a brand new Death faction with all-new models, terrain, and endless spells, Ogors only got two new minis. (Terrain and Ogor Tyrant.) In this faction alone, there are still a plethora of hard-to-get finecast/metal minis that don’t make it exactly “appealing or accessible” to get into the Mawtribes.

empire free peoples cities of sigmar wal hor

Another faction that got a weird support wave was the Cities of Sigmar. This faction is completely comprised of old minis and didn’t get ANY new models, terrain, or endless spells. This is an untouched goldmine for GW to start scoping in on. They may be bringing new Knight-type kits to the shelves along with a castle wall terrain piece in 2020.  (Just an example, nothing confirmed.)

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Orruk Warclans are in the same boat as well. GW compiled the rules for Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz into one book, but didn’t give them any new models, terrain, or endless spells.

The list can keep going with Idoneth Deepkin and Daughters of Khaine (for the terrain/spells). So what gives?

GW May Be Setting These Factions Up For a Second Pass

gutbuster butchers

It’s possible that GW has given these factions half-releases to give them time to go back through and bring new plastic minis and spells to the table. They could even use the factions to advance the lore and may just be holding them back a bit longer until the focus on the Necroquake subsides.


Here’s to hoping GW goes back through the older metal/finecast minis from these factions mentioned above. Once the Slaughtermaster sold out on GW’s Website for the Mawtribes, one was spotted on eBay going for an outrageous $150. From the standpoint of a new player wanting to get into the faction, the severe inaccessibility to older models doesn’t make it easy to find motivation on dropping that kind of $$$.

What do you think is ahead for AoS in 2020? Will GW finish going through all the factions before they double back? Would you be annoyed if you saw your Battletome go out of date due to a few new models hitting the table?

Or would you just be happy for any more model-type support?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!