Titanicus Battleforce Has Better Savings Than We Thought!

By Wesley Floyd | December 22nd, 2019 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Warhammer 40k Rumors

titanicus wal horGW is closing out the year with a few Battleforce deals to get players into the game. The Titanicus bundle actually might a better value than we expected.

In case you missed it, we did an earlier value breakdown of the new Adeptus Titanicus bundle coming with a handful of different Knights. But now that it’s out, we’ve realized it’s actually a better deal than anticipated! Here is the latest.

Since our earlier breakdown, it looks like Questoris-Class Knights went up $5 and are only sold as Questoris Knights with Thunderstrike Gauntlets/missiles. (Essentially the original Knight kit with the supplementary wargear sprue).  

Titanicus Knight Household Battleforce $130

Titanicus box


Titanicus models

With the box looked into a bit better, there are two things that make this Battleforce even more worth the money:

questoris weapon sprue

  • #1: The Questoris-class Knights come with the lightning gauntlet sprue (which is normally a $15 upgrade separately).
  • #2: The Cerastus-class Knights (Lancers) currently aren’t sold separately anymore. This is the only box that comes with them.

With all of this taken into account, it looks like the savings are a bit better. Coming inside this Battleforce, you’re getting:

  • 2x 3-man Questoris Knights (with added Lightning Gauntlet/ missile rack sprue) $80
  • 2x 2-man Cerastus Knights ??? With no other way to get these models, the value may go up from the previous $35 for two.- For argument’s sake, we will be keeping the cost at their previous value.
  • 1x 2-man Acastus (Porphyrion) Knights $50

Total MSRP: $200

Total Savings: $80 (or more depending on how you value the upgrade sprues, and Lancers now)

With the slight increase in price of Questoris-Class Knights from $35 to $40 flat combined with things like the upgrade sprue and lack of availability of Cerastus Knights, this box changed in value a little bit. It really comes down to how much value the player puts in grabbing more Cerastus units for his collection as well as if they are even in the market for swarming the board with little Knights.

All in all, if you plan on running MSUs and toppling Titans through target saturation, this box might be a good buy for you. However, if stomping onto the board with a few Warlords might be your style, you’re probably better off grabbing the Grand Master Edition if you can find it still.

What do you think about the value inside the box? Are you a player that uses all these units in your game? What is your favorite unit out of this box?

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