GW Crushes Slaanesh: FAQ NERF Bat & AoS Points Changes!

By Wesley Floyd | December 17th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

new in the faq gwCheck out the latest on this FAQ Nerf bat for Slaanesh, even more, new points changes and rules updates since the Generals Handbook for Age of Sigmar!

We initially saw an update yesterday bringing newer AoS models in-line with correct base sizing. The good news is that if you already re-based them from last year, you don’t actually have to touch them again. They just put in the base sizes for new releases as a standard. However, that wasn’t everything…

GW also went through and adjusted the points for a bunch of factions and tightened up some wording on different rules.

While we’ll be going over a few faction’s changes be sure to go into your own faction and get a good thorough look at what was tweaked for your army. Rules changes will be in Magenta and points changes in the list will have a “*” so you can see it a bit easier.

So here’s is the latest from Warhammer Community.

aos big faq FAQ NERF Bat & AoS Points Changes!

GW Crushes Slaanesh: FAQ NERF Bat & AoS Points Changes!

flesheater courts 2

This year’s Christmas update aims to address some of the questions that we have gathered since the release of the General’s Handbook 2019. Among the updated designer’s commentaries and errata files, you will find changes to Pitched Battle Profiles, warscrolls and allegiance abilities.

All of these changes have been designed to bring all of the armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, across the system, in line with each other. What this means, in effect, is a little bop on the nose for some overachievers but, more plentifully, lots of points drops and improvements for almost all factions in Warhammer Age of Sigmar!

Going off this chart on Reddit, we can see just how much these points were adjusted:

aos reddit points

Some of the biggest changes were to the Lord Celestant on Stardrake and Alarielle both stropping by 60 pts. However, for the most part, all of the average points adjustments seem to be in the 30-40 pt range, which is huge. For just one unit dropping in cost, you could theoretically take an endless spell for free now.

nurgle blight kings

As for a massive change to Nurgle, Pusgoyle Blightlords, Putrid Blightkings, and the Lord of Plagues had all their wording changes to unmodified hits of a 6 scores D6 hits.

flesheater courts aos faq

Minor wording was changed for a couple factions with certain keywords. For example, Flesheater Courts can bring another unit with Grand Court keywording, however, when it comes to using their allegiance abilities, they won’t be able to use them for its Grand Court. The same goes for Sylvaneth with Glades.

Slaanesh Gets Nerfed (And Rightfully So)

slaanesh wal

Slaanesh has been a problem for AoS just like Gristlegore Flesheater Courts. They can control the board and lock down combats while Gristlegore Zombie Dragons can pound enemy units into the ground harder than what is ever necessary. In both cases, they’ve become top tier armies with little resistance. However, GW pulled the reigns back on Slaanesh a bit.

slaanesh faq aos

For the first change, it’s much harder to lock down enemy units to fight last now. So much so that it’s really not reliable anymore. And for the second, the costs of summoning things for depravity points went up. The biggest OP culprit is being able to summon a Keeper of Secrets. However, he’s gone up in summoning cost by 50%.

While it’ll take some time to see how all of the changes make factions interact with each other, this definitely looks to be a good FAQ. After looking at your army’s points changes, how much cheaper did your list get?

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