New Car Wars Sixth Edition From Steve Jackson Games!

By Tim Roberts | December 6th, 2019 | Categories: Kickstarter, Tabletop Gaming Products

Car Wars 6th EdIt’s back! Come and see one of the hottest games on Kickstarter as we take a look at Car Wars Sixth Editon from Steve Jackson Games.

Steve Jackson Games is a household name in the gaming community. And now the creator of the Munchkin franchise has a new offering to the gaming community with this new Kickstarter. Let’s take a look.

Car Wars Sixth Edition By Stevie Jackson Games: 

Car Wars 6th Ed

The first car combat game, and still the best . . . Car Wars returns in a bigger, faster edition. The detailed 1/64 scale cars move, shoot, and catch fire the way you remember, with faster car creation and play. Once again you can rule the roads!

Car Wars 6th Ed

Car Wars is the game of autoduelling; futuristic vehicular combat where the right of way goes to the biggest guns. Players design their cars — complete with weapons, accessories, and crew — and then take them into the arena where one emerges victorious . . . and the others are annihilated.

Check out this video from SJ Games demoing Car Wars 6E!

This game looks like another smash hit for Steve Jackson Games! Make sure you visit this new Kickstarter and secure the pledge that is right for you today!