The Real Mandalorian: Boba Fett Paint Tutorial

By Andrew Schrank | December 17th, 2019 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Star Wars Legion, Videos

OG mandalorian boba fett legion star warsJack of Clubs Painting is giving us another painting tutorial, this time on everyone’s favorite OG Mandalorian, Boba Fett. Let’s see how he does it.

Wyatt from Jack of Clubs Painting is a regular participant on the webcast and also does his own tutorials. This is one of those tutorials! He often provides conversation and non-Warhammer work. That being said, he offers a different perspective and does great work!

boba preshade

The First step is a simple black highlight, followed by a Pro Acryl Dark Warm Grey pre-shade. Follow it with a Light Neutral Grey and finally Titanium white.

boba ivory

At this point, he takes out the brush and brushes in some ivory on some of the cloth under the armor and some pouches.

boba under cloth

He uses Dark Neutral Grey on the rest of the cloth under the armor plates. After that, he paints the boots with Transparent Black.

Boba armor plates

Then get a 50-50 mix of Camo Green and Dark Umber for all the green armor plates. Later, mix in more of the Dark Umber Brown, thin it down a bit, and use that on the cape. You can also very carefully glaze that mix on the lower half of the armor plates we just painted. Use some very thin grey to highlight the top section of those same plates to create a nice transition effect.

boba reds

Create a mix of Burnt Red and Dark Umber for the red areas on the armor. Once the base coat is done, you can add a few drops of the Pyral Red for the highlight.

boba yellow

Then use some thinned down Yellow Ochre on the yellow plates. Then add a few drops of Golden Yellow and Neutral Gray, use that mix as the highlight.

Boba black

You can paint the belt and a few other areas using pure thinned down Dark Umber. Paint the small chord on his right shoulder with Light Umber. Also, take Coal Black to paint in black areas like the visor. He also free hands in some wear and tear around the model in Black. While that dries grab some Dark Silver to paint in the metallic sections.

Boba bright sivler

This next step is a little more tedious. Take some Bright Silver and go around the model dotting in the black chips we did in the previous step. You can also use this as the highlight for the gun and jetpack.

boba washed

After that step, we can begin the wash. Wyatt is using the Mr.Weathering oil here with a mix of the brown and black and some thinner.

boba jetpack

While that dries, we can rapid-fire in the flame details on the jetpack. Start off with a light airbrush of Titanium White and be sure to get a small amount onto the thruster bells to mimic the heat from the emission. Airbrush Golden Yellow about halfway down the flame to the tip, then mix in some orange and do it again, except midway from the start of the yellow to the tip. It’s important to remember that you need to “creep” the paint up a bit to mimic the glow without covering up the early coats for the fire.

Boba Done

And with that, he is complete! If you want to hear Wyatt’s break down and see what base he put Boba on, watch the full video below.

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