Slaves to Darkness Getting Surprise New Chaos Units

archaonSlaves to Darkness are still shrouded in a bit of mystery, but there are some surprise units hidden in plain sight that may be in their book as well!

Spotted from an army-hype Slaves to Darkness picture from Warhammer Community, there is the new Ogroid Myrmidon first introduced to Warcry standing in the ranks. Let’s break what this means down a bit more.

Slaves to Darkness Already Getting Surprise Warcry Support

Warcry doubles boxes

If you haven’t heard the news, GW is releasing boxes of original Warcry Warbands essentially doubled-up as unit options for Slaves to Darkness in AoS. Showing the tattered and various Warbands that show allegiance to Archaon, you can have Iron Golems and Corvus Cabal fighting next to your Chaos Knights. That’s pretty cool considering followers of Chaos can band together like that.

Slaves to Darkness Getting the Ogroid Package?

slaves to darkness warcry units

Spotted in a recent army picture out of a Faction Focus, you can see Corvus Cabal fighting next to the new Slaves to Darkness Warband. That’s not really a big surprise since we already knew that Warcry Warbands were going to be commonplace in the army. However, the Ogroid Myrmidon, first released in Warcry as a Monster that was usable by the Warbands, he’ll also be making it to the book.

ogroid myrmidon

With a clearer picture at-hand, he’s coming with a massive spear and shield. But did you know he also has a brother that may also join Archaon in his fight?


ogroid thumaturge

The Ogroid Thaumaturge was first spotted out of the Silver Tower board game as a monster you fight inside. But he’s also completely usable in Age of Sigmar. While he’s normally Tzeentch-keyworded, it wouldn’t surprise us if he also made a spot in the new Slaves to Darkness book.

So What About the Other Monsters of the Realm?

warcry monster fomoroid crusher


warcry sphiranx 1

Other units like the Fomoroid Crusher and Mindstealer Sphiranx are still on the table as well. While there hasn’t been any mention of them coming to the army, we’ve seen a steady trend of recent Warcry units getting ported over to fight for Archaon. Plus, they put off a different vibe from something like a big dumb Destruction monster that the Gloomspite Gitz hire. All of these units have some kind of crafted armor and bear the mark of Chaos…Making us believe that the Slaves to Darkness might be behind it all.

What are your thoughts on the Warcry releases getting moved into the Slaves to Darkness force? Would you like to see the Fomoroid Crusher and Sphiranx make it to the army as well?

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