GW Announces Airbrushing Paint Video Guide Series (Minus Duncan)

gw-airburshes-now Citadel Airbrush PaintAfter years of pushing manual hand-painting, GW is finally putting out their own airbrushing guide. Check out the official announcement, and their new painter!

Air Citadel paints are going to get the spotlight in the next little bit from GW. Warhammer Community announced a series of painting guides specifically geared toward airbrushing your minis. Here’s everything you need to know.

GW Announces First-Ever Airbrushing Paint Guide Series

GW has almost every paint color you can think of. While the biggest turn-off to GW paints is their container, which can dry out way quicker from dropper bottles… At the end of the day, their paints are solid. And while GW has only ever showcased their miniature line with hand-painted techniques from a manual brush, they’re starting something new. They’ve just announced a painting guide series on how to airbrush your models.

These Are The Top Five Airbrushes for Miniature Painting

citadel airbrush 1All the paints used in the video look to be from the Citadel Air line from GW.  However, the airbrush used in the video is not for Games Workshop. That’s not to say that they won’t ever throw their own airbrush/compressor on the shelves in the future.

As for the airbrush used in the video, it looks to be the Harder & Steenbeck Evolution. We’ve done a video review on its lighter counterpart, the H&S Evolution AL, in case you were looking for something more high speed.

H&S Evolution Airbrush for Miniatures

So Who is The New GW Airbrush Painter?

citadel airbrush painter


ck studiosCaleb Wissenbeck, from CK Studios, is mainly a traveling airbrush teacher that holds private classes for those who want to get better at what they do! And now GW has enlisted Caleb for a new painting series.

citadel airbrush 2We don’t have to wait long before we start seeing more of this airbrush series expanded on. WHC left us with this:

Next week, we’ll be bringing you a bevy of new-format painting videos for painters of all levels. To compliment our Contrast and Classic painting guides, we’ll be giving you a variety of tips and tricks, covering much-requested elements like capes, power weapons, special effects and more.

If you’ve been wondering what airbrush is the best “bang for your buck” and you’re new to airbrushing in general, we’ve covered a great value in the video below. Get prepped up for the next few videos that are on the way ahead of time!

While the Evolution is a great airbrush for sure, the H&S Ultra may be one of the best out there for “starting out”. We’ve also reviewed that one as well below:

H&S Ultra Beginner Airbrush for Miniatures

What kind of airbrushing tips would you like to see in their next videos? What airbrush do you use? How much time has an airbrush saved you in the hobby?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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These Are The Top Five Airbrushes for Miniature Painting

Games Workshop says Airbrushing is okay! Be sure to check out the top-recommended airbrushes for painting miniatures! Score these deals now. Read More