New Seraphon & Gargant Releases for AoS SPOTTED!

seraphon lizardmenMore releases for AoS look to be on the way, as new Seraphon and Gargant products have been spotted. Check out the latest for Lizardmen and the Giants.

Coming from Sprues and Brews, it looks like they have some screenshots of some kind of future AoS releases in the near future. With products beginning to show up on what looks to be some sort of shipping report we doubt we’ll have to wait beyond 2020 to see these next releases.

Seraphon Lizardmen & Gargant Giants Releases for AoS SPOTTED!



bonegrinder gargantAs of right now, the Gargants are all piled into the Gloomspite Gitz Battletome and only come with two different options. You’ve got the Aleguzzler Gargants and the Bonegrinder Gargant. But a recent snapshot of what looks to be some kind of shipping document might suggest that we’re getting more. Specifically, The Sons of Behemat.

If you didn’t know, here’s a little lore for ya. Behemat is this legendary godbeast that dwells from the realm of Ghur. A realm based on savagery and massive powerful beasts. But he apparently had a few sons who were Gargants. And although they were brutes, they also claimed territory and built “cities” of their own that spanned across a ton of land.

sons of behemat shipping documentTitled Warscroll cards Sons of Behemat, as of right now, it looks like we’re just getting a few new data entries possibly for the new Gargant kits. However, it wouldn’t make much sense to skip out on the opportunity to bring new Gargant kits to the table especially if they went through the task of writing new rules.

And with that, some of these rumor engines could be possible Gargant kits we have yet to see more light shed on.

rumor engine 9-10-2019Gargants love their ale, and it looks like this rumor engine has some kind of tavern sign tied to another chunk of wooden debris. Possibly Gargant armor?

rumor engine 11-19-2019This looks like it could be an old stone pillar that’s been turned into a brutal meat tenderizer. It looks too big to be something for an Ogor/Orruk but still puts off the Destruction vibe. This makes it a decent contender as a new Gargant weapon.

Seraphon Warscroll Cards Also Spotted

seraphon warscroll cards shipping documentSeraphon also had their name dropped in the same style of shipping document. Since Seraphon are one of the last factions to get a Battletome update in AoS, it’s possible that these Warscroll cards are just the tip of the iceberg. If this could be the start of their faction overhaul/support, GW might also give them Endless Spells, a new Battletome, maybe a new unit kit, etc.

rumor engine 1-21-2019And with one of the more recent rumor engines out there, some are suggesting this is part of a Seraphon headdress. But which models could use an update?

skink starseer


skink starseer descriptionWhile the Skink Starseer doesn’t have a headdress even somewhat similar to the rumor engine, it’s also still a Finecast mini. And it’s clear that GW is trying to move away from Finecast as much as they can. We’ve seen this with the overall Psychic Awakening theme, bringing name characters like Jain Zar, Drazhar, and Commander Shadowsun up to a plastic rework.

What do you think is in store for AoS as we move into 2020? Will there be more to these releases besides Warscroll cards? 

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