Another 40k Powerhouse Combo To Watch Out For!

Aggressors Lore Space Marines WalPrimaris have never been deadlier. And now, Centurions might be getting eclipsed by the new Primaris Aggressors with these Blood Angel wombo combos.

We’ve already talked about how Aggressors in a Blood Angels list play right into a bunch of their synergies. But now, we’ll be refining that combo to make it even more deadly. Check out how to increase this Deathstar’s damage output and effectiveness even more.

And in case you missed the build-up to getting this powerful synergy, we’ve got it all here for you.

So What’s the Combo?

blood angel primaris Winners & Losers: New FAQ LIVE 40k DiscussionThe combo is pretty easy to work and it’s not got a lot of moving parts. All you need is:

  • 6x Aggressors in one unit
  • Librarian with Sheild of Sanguinius & Unleash Rage
  • Sanguinary Priest/ Apothecary

Breaking it down a bit further, let’s assume you’re in the Assault Doctrine for the Blood Angels bonus and you’ve got all the units in the recipe above clumped together.

It comes down to personal preference on what you want your Aggressors geared with. The flamers are brutal for auto-hits but lack range. Meanwhile, the boltstorm gauntlets don’t have that auto-hitting capability but do have some more reach.

As for combos, you’ll want a Librarian to follow them around giving them a 5++ invuln with Shield of Sanguinius as well as Unleash Rage for +1 attack to each model in the unit. Also, remember that these guys get +1 to advance and charge rolls on top of the +1 to wound now AND they ignore the penalty to running and firing assault weapons. That means these guys can move 5+D6+1″ and still hose an enemy unit.

Blood Angels Sanguinary PriestYou’ll probably be running these guys up the middle of the board to cause disruption or meet a scary unit like a Knight head-on. Either way, you’ll be taking casualties even with a 5++ invuln. Thankfully, Blood Angels have Sanguinary Priests, which you can give a Jump Pack to for a 12″ movement to keep up. On top of that, they give a +1 Strength bonus which is huge in a melee-heavy faction.

There are two ways to make the Sanguinary Priest work:

  • Flesh Tearers: They got a new relic Narthecium called Sorrow’s Genesis that can bring a unit back on a 2+ and automatically heals three-flat wounds. Purely translated, you’ll almost always be bringing back an Aggressor a turn and it’s definitely worth the CP if you fail.
  • Blood Angels: If you don’t want to sacrifice your named characters like the new Mephiston in your list, for a Flesh Tearers relic, you can always just use the 1CP, Chalice Overflowing. This lets you heal twice a turn as well as target the same unit again.

Unlocking Their Melee Potential


Taking into account all of the buffs from:

  • Assault Doctrine (Savage Echoes)
  • Shock Assault
  • Unleash Rage
  • Red Thirst

You’ll be getting thirty-one powerfist attacks in close combat with an additional-1 AP and +1 S as icing on the cake. Sure, you’re hitting the enemy on a 4+ without any outside buffs or rerolls, but that’s (mathematically) fifteen HITS that’ll wound a Knight on a 2+ at -4 AP.

Refining the Blood Angel Aggressor Combo: Other Options to Take

blood angels ancientIf you’re liking the framework for pulling off this combo, you’ll be happy to know of other synergies to get the most value out of your units. Depending on how much you really want to devote to this blob of bloody knuckles is your call. (Remember you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket). With that said, you can swap out a Sanguinary Priest if you’re wanting to stick to the cheaper side of things and bring the and Ancient with the relic 5+++ FNP banner. (Note, there’s nothing stopping you from also bringing a Priest and an Ancient together).

This will make your Aggressors a bit more tough to take down and even if you don’t get to shoot with them right away, you can get free potshots on a 4+ when they die. Oh, and if they didn’t move (which is impossible in your opponent’s shooting phase), you’ll get to shoot twice with them.

primaris space marine chaplainNow for maximizing their melee output, you can always bring a Chaplain to roll with them and let them reroll everything in close combat. Or you can always give something like a Lieutenant the Quake Bolts and have him plink a few shots to give the Aggressors +1 to hit. That’ll help them hit on a 3+ in close combat.

It’ll Take Practice

primaris impulsorAt the end of the day, this combo is as expensive or as cheap as you want to make it. You’ll have to look at what you’re bringing in the rest of your list to see if you have enough room to bring all the other “nice but not necessary” units like the Chaplain/Quake Bolts/ etc.

One thing is for sure, however. There’s almost nothing in the game that’ll be walking away from a fight with these guys up close. The main trick you’ll have to get practice with is maneuvering them. Right now, Primaris have awkward transport options and there’s no easy way to bring them up to the fight right away.

With the Aggressor smack-force unpacked a bit more, will you be testing out these guys in your next game? What’s your all-star non-character Blood Angel unit you use? 

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