GW Announces 40k Greater Good & Titanicus For Next Week

genestealer cults kellermorphNew 40k releases have just been confirmed by GW. Let’s see whats on the way for Psychic Awakening Greater Good, Tau, Titanicus, and Genestealer Cults.

Warhammer Community just let us in on the new releases for this week. Psychic Awakening, Tau, Genestealers, and Titanicus are all getting love. Let’s check out what they are exactly!

Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good

The Greater Good is the latest book in the Psychic Awakening series, focusing on the ambitious T’au Empire, stalwart Astra Militarum and Ordo Tempestus, and insidious Genestealer Cults. You’ll find new rules, Relics, Warlord Traits and Stratagems for all four factions, wrapped in a thrilling story exploring a sprawling war that leaves them all paranoid and reeling.

It’s also important to note that in typical fashion we can pick up either a limited collectors edition with a special cover and art or the standard edition.


shadowsun commander 2020Shadowsun, O’Shaserra leads the Fifth Sphere Expansion, rocking an upgraded XV22 Stalker Battlesuit! This suit is positively bristling with weapons, and she’s also accompanied by MV37 Advanced Guardian and MV62 Command-link Drones. 

We saw Shadowsun a while back and now her release is finally landing. On a side note, you can now take her to lead any sept, not just the one she used to lead.

Start Collecting: Genestealer Cults

genestealers start collectingThe Start Collecting! Genestealer Cults box is stuffed with models, including Acolytes (including an Iconward), Neophytes and an Achilles Ridgerunner. If you’re thinking about throwing in your lot with the uprising, or you want to swell the ranks of your ongoing rebellion, this box is essential.

Pretty standard Start Collecting box that is perfect if you want to get into the army. It also will pair great with the new rules coming in this week Psychic Awakening!


jesse jamesPreviously found in the Starn’s Disciples box for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, this three-armed shootist will soon be available separately to assassinate enemy leaders and inspire nearby cultists to greater acts of fervour. 

This guy is not only a sweet model but has seen some decent competitive play. Being able to get him separately from the Kill-team box is a welcome change!

Adeptus Titanicus Starter Box

adeptus titanicus starter boxThis impressive set includes 2 Reaver Titans, 2 Warhounds, and 2 Cerastus Knights, plus all the tokens, dice, and counters you need to play the game. Split it with a friend for two balanced forces, or keep it all to yourself – we won’t blame you. 

This new box set is a perfect place to start for a new player or even veterans as none of these models overlap with the Grand Master Edition.

Adeptus Titanicus Warbringer Nemesis Titan

titanicus war bringer nemesisThis coming week also heralds the release of a completely new class of Titan – the Warbringer Nemesis. Even though it’s about the same size as the Reaver class, its main armament is a Warlord-grade quake cannon! 

This new model is relatively new even to tabletop, so seeing it get added to Titanicus so quickly is a great sign for anyone who loves the game already!

Adeptus Titanicus Manufacturing District Terrain

Manufacturing terrainThe Adeptus Titanicus Manufactorum Imperialis terrain set includes four of them, plus loads of cranes, stacks of barrels, silos, and pipelines. Use them to heighten the sense of scale on your bases, add a lived-in industrial feel to your tabletop terrain, or grab a couple of boxes to create an entire manufacturing district! 

While all of this terrain set will be epic scale to match the Titanicus models, that doesn’t mean you can’t use them in other games. If you are an especially creative hobbier you might even be able to use these in dioramas to create a huge sense of depth, with less room.

Shadow and Iron

Shadow and ironThe third supplement for Adeptus Titanicus focuses on the aftermath of the Betrayal at Calth, including new missions, maniples, and rules for stringing games together into campaigns. 

New rules and updates are always exciting news to hear, if you are a Titanicus player this is awesome news for you.

Adeptus Titanicus Terminals

titanicus terminalsSoon, you’ll notice that new Titan models (starting with the Warbringer Nemesis) will be supplied with a card-style Command Terminal right in the box – we’ll continue to offer the heavier board versions separately if you prefer them. A new style pack with terminals for a Warlord, Warbringer Nemesis, Reaver, and two Warhounds will be up for pre-order next weekend. 

The announcement of terminals inclusion in new models is a welcome quality of life change. Of course, if you want the big boards for the new model you can pick that up.

Adeptus Titanicus Transfer Sheets

titanicus tranersRounding out the Adeptus Titanicus releases are transfer sheets for Legios Metalica, Ignatum and Astorum, plus their associated Knight houses.

It’s always important to give your models a personal touch, transfer decals are just one easy way to do that!

Are you excited about the wave of releases, or are you waiting to hear more about specific rules?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!