GW’s New Limited AoS Characters & Warcry: FIRST LOOK

By Andrew Schrank | February 15th, 2020 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Necromunda, Warcry, Warhammer 40k Rumors

warhammer gw store first lookThose Limited AoS Characters and more Warcry are here! Don’t miss the next batch of releases that are going on pre-order today.

Not very many “new” models, but the rules and purchasing options might just be something to get excited about if you are an AoS, Warcry, or Necromunda fan!

AoS Limited Edition Characters

Warlock Bombardier                                       Abhorrent Archregent

rat n ghoul

Bombardier sprue



archregent sprue

Tyrant                                                                  Arch-Revenant

tyrant n tree


tyrant sprue


arch revenant sprue

Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig                        Master of the Bone-Tithe

squig n skeleton

cave squig sprue


bone-tither sprue

Warcry Card Dispenser 3

Warcry cards

Mindstealer Sphiranx



sphiranx sprue

Fomoroid Crusher

fumroid crusher


crusher sprue

Necromunda: House of Chains (HB) 

house of chains

Goliath Stimmers & Forgeborn


GOliath sprue

Goliath Gang Tactics Cards

Goliath cards

Blackstone Fortress: No Respite

NUrgle bsf

With all of these releases coming next, what’s on your radar to grab first? Will you pick up the new Blackstone Fortress box? Are you going to try the new Necromunda faction?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!